1) Every single African American child now realizes they can attain a stature in our country that was was unthinkable 1 year ago. (a black can't get elected was a common phrase on this very forum)
Really? Oh come on Andy that is a bunch of BS and you know it. The only people keeping black down are their own who keep beating into the heads of the children that they are not worth anything and will never become anything unless they prescribe to a twisted way of thinking. It is keeping them enslaved in many ways. Obama is not the best example, the president is a hard job to get but there are others just as hard and just as important. The difference is Obama could not do this on his own while others did do it. I remember a very disgusting display of ignorance and elitism from Cosby while on the Larry King show. They were talking about Clarance Thomas, and for anyone who has their eyes open, it shows the problems I am talking about.
2)Even though Obama is against Gay marriage it does change the debate and he is not slamming those that think differently.Conservative states are actually leading the legal definition at this point. A good thing for our country whether your agree or disagree.
That's funny, Obama will do what he is told to do by his handlers and nothing more. He has yet to intervene in the California situation and knows that it is not an important issue.
3) He and his wife are recieving rock star receptions overseas. Is that important? Some would argue not,I happen to think it's refreashing on the surface.Can it make peace come to Isreal and the Palestinians? Don't rule it out yet,give it some time
Rock stars like actors and actresses are useless people, only entertainers and idiots. But with that said I don't want a rock star president, people don't respect them as they do a man who leads.
Peace? You are joking right? He may move it along but he is already snubbing Israel and they will do what they want. Obama can't and won't pull aid from them unless he wants to lose his next election and lose the congress.
But the real problem is he is too immature to understand what is needed over there, rhetoric and star quality won't do it.
4) I believe he truley believes AND understands the importance of eduaction and has not immiedietly cut education funds to satisfy budget constraints.No child left behind was a sham so he can only improve. Wait and see.
Wait a minute, if the guy was so set on the importance of education, then why is he against the DC voucher program?
It seems that the first place he should be doing his best is in the place he actually has control over - DC. He is against anything but public education and he has been hypocritical on the issue.
5) Unemployment figures seem to be dropping but thats probably a natural cycle at this point. However if they keep dropping naturaly and stimulas begains to slowly kick in we might be on a road out of this thing,big maybe.
Here is another BS line from the talking points. The unemployment rate for new applications came down in the last month which means nothing. When adjusting the rate for the other factors, the rate actually goes up. The stimulus package hasn't produced one job outside of the public sector, and got to tell you it hasn't save any either.
6)There is hope among some that a President that insists on open Government ( if indeed he follows through with action and not words) may be able to control lobbiests from running the show. There are early signs he means it.
You on some sort of hallucinogenics?
I don't see any move for an open government at all, he lied. He is more secretive than the last four presidents combined, he has been part of organizations that are in many ways worst than some secret societies and he refuses to actually come forth and tell it like it is. The WH doesn't disclose things like travel expenses, operating budgets, the congress is more tight lipped about whats in the bills and in committees meetings with exclusion of other memebers of congress and we the people are more in the dark on how things are being planned and spent. If he wasn't lying, the treasury department would be operating with full disclosure but in fact the GAO is getting very concern with the lack of accountability of TARP money and has asked the administration what's going on but they told the GAO pretty much go to h*ll.
7) Finally,he's doing something. He's spending billions on those areas that were ignored instead of billions on a war that did not need to be fought. Our counrty has been rotting for years. Your buying tires because the roads are so jacked up and hitting your bottom line hard.Thats rediculous and this guy is hearing you.Nobody has been listening to your legit concerns and you know that.It's why I got out of it. Going broke because of tires is stupid.
Andy, he can't spend a dime and if you want to know what it is like to live with a democratic government, come to Michigan. We have spent millions on the roads and even the work that was done a few years ago is now being replaced - why? Because the money was thrown at the contractors and the inspectors were order to write off it was done to specs.