I think there are lots of topics here on this subject,seach em out and do all the reading ya can find.
I aint been doing this a long time but my opinions are;
The best truck is the cheapest and most reliable you can afford right now. Dont count on huge pay days. What kinda payments (if any) can you afford to make today. Also look at what work you are going to do with it or needs of the carrier if your going to sign it with one.
Ask yourself what ya want and need on the piece of equipt.
Do ya need tandems, a lift axle, is a bigger sleeper for you or can ya get away with a small one etc etc.
I think for most in this line of work the m-2 works fine. Nice lil city truck but will take ya x country if ya want to.With some good care the M-2 should hold up fine for most jobs. I'm running the M-2 and only thing different I wish I had is a lift axle.
But bigger always better

Just cost ya more.
reefer?? only you or your carrier can answer that. Is there a need for it where your going to work the truck.
Lift gate..Same answer,is there a need? Where I am I know a guy that didn't use his in so long he didn't know it was broke until we tried to operate it one day.
Remember the more equip a truck has the more ya sink in maintenance.
Remember this is only my opinion and what do I know??
In this business I'm still new and learning what works out here every day.