You are already a millionaire in your own mind. Why? Because you think like one. Wealthy people didn't become wealthy by thinking like the adverage Joe, they did it by stepping out of the box with their thinking and goals. (except some that hit the lottery by chance, and we see what happened to most of them and their wealth)
A Goal, a plan, and a LOT of discipline can do wonders. Not everyone wants to set their goals that high (out of reach) for fear of failure and knowing the sacrifices they will have to make to achieve that goal.
By the time you reach the age of the adverage person in this business you have a different level of goals. Most don't even want to think about working another 20 years, and have already made more sacrifices raising a family, educating their childern, paying for the roof over their heads, and now are in the Fall of their lives and want to relax a little, earn a "good" living without the pressures of such a fast pace rat race they have spent their entire working career in.
To me, this is not the business to plan a 20 year goal of becoming a Millionaire. There are too many veriables based on an unstable economy that drives the trucking (Expediting) industry. There are many business opportunities that you can invest the amount of a nice truck into and stand a better chance of reaching that goal.
Would this be a goal that I would set for myself? I think not.
In my mind have already surpassed that millionaire level. When I look around at a Loving wife,comfortable home, a healthy family, Grandchildern, and good friends, I'm in a business that I enjoy and the only stress is what I allow to be put on me. What is the monitary value of that? 1 million, 2 million. To me, wealth is measured by more than a bank account
No I couldn't write a check for a million, or even half of that, and probly never will be able to, but I can pay my bills,and not worry if I don't have a good month this month or the next or the next,do you think I could be more happy if I had a Million dollars in the bank?
As they use to say "Different strokes for different folks".
Oh, and back to the orignal question: YES I believe a goal can be reached in this business by someone such as yourself Phil and Dianne.
and I wish you the very best in reaching that goal.
Remember the National dept came from some well designed plans by some very intelligent people, that just didn't work out the way it was planned.