Global Warming, the religion of the nuts


Veteran Expediter
Ok I think that we can do better and be a little more concern with the environment, mainly garbage, something called consumptionism and something called consumerism but recently, actually since the dems got control (sort of) of congress, the environmental nuts have come out of the wood work and support for all kinds of crazy things that seem to be taking shape within the democrat party.

The new thing I have been reading about is the religion of Global Warming. No sh*t some people are thinking this is a religion and will start becoming like radical Muslims in defending their 'religion'.

The blame game has stepped up a bit since Obama has said something about the need to get a grip on this problem.

It seems that global warming has been blamed for all kinds of stuff, ranging from changes in weather patterns to changes in animal migration patterns.

Lately global warming has been blamed for;
Snow in Alaska
Cold weather
Warm weather in Arizona
Sunshine in Florida
The Saints loss to the da Bears
The Flu
An increase in pit bull attacks
Chickens gettng the flu
The shortage of potato Vodka in Russia
Flooding in India
Rains in South East Asia
A poor harvest of pasta in Tuscany
Better wine from France
Citrus canker
Diana's car crash
Everything happening in Somalia
Sand fleas
Fire ants in the south
Dropped cell phone calls
Cruise ship dysentery
Teen smoking
Fever blisters
Slow elevators
Elderly drivers running over people
Henry Ford
Britney’s break up
Lindsey Lohan’s drunken state
Ellen DeGeneres being Gay
Air America's poor ratings

Yep terrorism, forget that most of the terrorism is Muslim based – the experts are now saying that global warming will expand terrorism soon unless we do something about it now.

But going beyond this, Hans Blix, the former UN weapons inspector whom seem to got lost a lot in Iraq and claimed we were not giving Saddam enough time, said recently that Global Warming is more dangerous than Nuclear Weapons. OK? Let's see, one nuke going off can kill how many in how many seconds but no one has proven that we are yet dying off with global warming that takes decades.

Think about this, what it the solution for the UN to fight Global Warming?

It will be the same strategy that they have used in the past to fight other things - asking the UNITED STATES for more money to put down a black hole so they can do the work they need to do.

Also think about this, what is the UN up to? A great number of real scientist are now saying that the Sun is getting warmer (so has Nasa research) hence the earth gets warmer in the process. Is it that the UN want more money to line their corrupt pockets with?

Well back on topic…

Global warming has been caused by the following (These are all found on the internet in hundreds of sites);
President Bush releasing the trillions of gallons of CO2 from the United States CO2 reserves
President Bush giving us tax breaks
President Bush winning
The conspiracy between Bush, Chaney and Rumsfeld to invent the internal combustion engine
The bush administration having Dr. Rice as Secretary of State
Cows Farting
Chickens again
Driving anything that is powered by the worst invention in the world, the Otto Cycle engine
Our invasion of the pasive country of Japan during WW2
The internet (yes ALGORE's invention causes global warming because it takes electricity to run)
Chickens farting (go figure but that is what this weird site had on it)

The ‘scientist’ say that the world is warmer than it has been in centuries, sometimes even giving stats from 2000 BC and beyond but never EVER saying that this is speculation not proven facts.

The politicians believe the ‘scientist’ who actually is funded by the politicians in many cases to confirm some crazy theories.

Now we have a group of companies that have the nerve to ask the government to come up with solid policies on this issue but fail to say that they will take the lead and dump a portion of their revenue (and maybe reduce their salary in the process) to better their products to be environmentally ‘safe’. By the way here are a few of these companies and think about their products and how they affect the environment; Alcoa Inc., BP America Inc., DuPont Co., Caterpillar Inc., General Electric Co., and Duke Energy Corp. The only one on that list who has products that help is BP but don’t expect them to produce these products at little or no profit, they make a lot of money on their solar cells.

So my take is that we live in a world that we have no control over some things, natural disasters and the environment. We can try to keep things clean, try to do better but there is only so much we as a people can do without going back to the 18 century. Government is not the solution, it is the people who can solve this problem by demanding better things.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Greg, don't you realize it's global warming that caused the gigantic ice storm across I-10 into Houston!!!!!!!!! On a serious note, what you said is correct and explained by two words in your subject, the nuts.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Senior Moderator
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There are so many other items to add to your list.

22 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter

How do you make a D-10 Caterpillar environmentally safe?


Expert Expediter
>How do you make a D-10 Caterpillar environmentally safe?

Throw away the keys

You know its bad to tear up mother earth and knock trees over. Causes global warming... :7



Veteran Expediter
I live 45.138N latitude and 93.255W longitude. That puts me just northwest of Minneapolis, MN. Saturday morning it was -6 degrees. We had one other below zero morning this winter. Whenever we had snow it melted within a few days. Currently there is maybe 2 inches of snow cover. Another whimpy winter. So I'm all for global warming! I may even plant some citrus trees this spring. I encourage everyone to keep using aerosol hairspray and paint.

FOR SALE: 9 h.p. 26 inch Craftsman snowblower with electric start. Like new condition. Low hours. Will deliver.

I think I'll put on some shorts and walk my dog. Keep spraying!


Veteran Expediter
Not to demoralize you Greg,but that damned liberal bunch out in Hollywood decided that Mr. Gore and his goofy little picture show was at least good enough for an OACAR NOMINATION!!
Guess that puts him in the same boat as that know nothing, dim witted Mike Moore.Boy,are we a country of dummies or what!Who gave these guys the right to make these movies.In Mikes case,nobody.He did it himself.
Thank God we have brilliant truckers or we would all be in deep dodo!


Veteran Expediter
I can’t say either way about the movie but it absolutely amazes me that anyone in the movie industry could not do anything but support ALGORE and his movie because of the absolute guilt that they have working in an industry that is the most polluting, the most environmentally destructive of any industry. For the output of products that they produce, the resources used are, I heard, 15 to 1 above the next worst industry.

I don’t think that his movie really made people think, I think that the high fuel prices really did the trick but I see that the dems will screw us too unless they get really smart and force some real help for the people to use things like Solar and wind. As for ALGORE I am wondering why if he was so concern about the environment what ever happened to his “reinventing†government and his paperwork reduction programs that were scrapped quickly (remember his little song and dance on the white house lawn with the fork lift with a stack of paper five feet high?) AND why didn’t he promote alternative fuels and power sources with serious tax breaks and other means to get us off of oil when he had the power to do so? ALGORE practice what you preach and expect us to do.

As for dummy Moore, well I got to find the link to the article on how he screwed flint with some more of his promises. Don’t put to much faith in him, he is full of it.


Veteran Expediter
Just to add to this...

I think that Bush has done more in his last years than Clinton and ALGORE has done in regards to environmental issues.

Sounds stupid but by rejecting Kyoto and then allowing the states to make more decisions with environmental issues has moved a lot of things forward. The EPA has the right to enforce its laws by supersede state laws but the administration has restrained them from doing so in a lot of cases, which has led to Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and other programs that are ramping up.

As a side note, if the administration would also take this approach with the invaders, we would have little problems with them. Just image the states deporting these people back where they belong without worrying about their ‘rights’ which tramples on ours. Oh by the way for those who didn’t hear, I understand that Tennessee wants to know why their National Guard troops did not fire and kill invaders who were armed but called the border patrol. It seems that this state is taking it seriously. I for one think that there should be a shoot to kill order given, especially with the Mexican military that cross into our country protecting the drug dealers.

Back to the issue -

One thing that has been taken hold and I think is wrong in a constitutional way is the issue of states and cities agreeing with or trying to ratify on the state/city level the Kyoto protocol. I understand the need for the restrictions to a point, we still live in the cleanest industrialized country in the world, but when cities and states start restricting things that now cross the line into more important areas, like property rights and such, the city and state will eventually suffer. Beside treaties and agreements are federal issues, not state issues.


As I find ALGORE somewhat of a hypocrite, flying all over, using a lot of fuel and acting like an environmental God but telling me and you that it is my van, my Dodge ram, my suburban and my little C unit are the reason that we have a change in climate. I also find it amusing that he signed the Kyoto protocol in late 1998, two years before bush got elected but the administration did not present it to congress for ratification, WHY? I would think that he would be on the front lines with this, signing it meant that he backed it but not presenting it to congress for ratification is somewhat hypocritical – glad he didn’t become president.

OH did you ever think that the movie served another purpose, to make him feel important again. I mean that regardless what you say about the election, the dems really didn’t back him and his own president cut his support short, very short. This was sad to see but maybe bill knew something we don’t, just maybe he didn’t believe that ALGORE was the right guy for the job?


Seasoned Expediter
There is more Greenhouse Gas coming from Cow S**t than we humans has been proven time and time again by Scientists that Global Warming is not happening! these left wing nuts want us to live our lifes in FEAR...they want to scare us in to thinking that this World is going to Hell in a handbasket and we are running out of those!


Senior Moderator
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There could very well be global warming, but there has never been any proof that it comes from anything other than natural climatic changes.

22 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - How many people does it take to change a light bulb? In California, the answer could be a majority of the Legislature.

I would have to ask, how many people in the California legislature does it take to make some sense?

The electricity-wasting incandescent bulb would be banned — replaced by energy efficient compact fluorescents — under a bill that Assemblyman Lloyd Levine plans to introduce.

Who is going to pay for this? I think that the state should pay for the lights and even kick in with LED lights for every car and truck on the road in California.

He says the spiral light sources are so efficient that consumers should be forced to use them. The compact bulbs use one-fourth the electricity spent in an equivalent incandescent.

Let’s force them to give up their cars, the SUV’s, cell phones and stop the film industry from making films.

"Incandescent light bulbs were first developed almost 125 years ago, and since that time they have undergone no major modifications," said Levine, a Democrat from Los Angeles, said in a news release Tuesday. "It's time to take a step forward."

Well in comparison, the modern democrat was invented in the 60’s and has not undergone any major modifications either, maybe we should outlaw modern democrat? Yes it is time to take a step forward – get rid of them, democrats that is.

The bulb bill was not yet on the legislative calendar. Last year, the Legislature passed a Levine bill that requires large supermarkets to recycle plastic bags. Gov.
Arnold Schwarzenegger signed that bill but has not taken a position on the light bulb proposal.

I agree that we need to recycle plastic bags but I want to know why weren’t they outlawed either, it would make more sense to get rid of all bags using the same logic used with light bulbs.

Assemblyman Jared Huffman, who represents San Rafael, is working on a similar bill.

Critics say people should be allowed to make their own choices about which bulbs they buy, but Levine, who heads the Assembly's Utilities and Commerce Committee, points out that electric utilities give them away.

I got to ask, where are these free lights? I would love to get free lights and got 14 feet of space I will use to take these light bulbs to Michigan to sell.


Seasoned Expediter
The same NUTS who made a decision to Ban toilets that hold 3 gallons of water in favor of 1.5 gallon capacity,NOW it takes 3 flushes instead of ONE...Hmmm it makes you wonder why there isnt a Law to STOP these people from Breeding!


Veteran Expediter
You know that regardless what is being told to us, the facts are still cloudy and the scientific world is divided on the subject of global warming.

I still contend that this has become a religion and a money maker for many who should just take the gas pipe. Most people who take on the quest to end global warming still have a car, still have a house, and still produce garbage and buys products that are not in any way environmentally friendly – which leads me to say that they are just like any other elitist group – do as I say not as I do. Many of the people who are practicing the zero emissions or zero garbage are a very small minority and in some ways looked down upon by the environmental elitist.

Well two things I want to add here, one is that ALGORE is getting nominated for the Nobel Peace prize, which is a joke to begin with and second is this;

Humans 'very likely' making earth warmer, AP

“PARIS - Officials from 113 countries agreed Thursday that a much-awaited international report will say that global warming was "very likely" caused by human activity, delegates to a climate change conference said.

Dozens of scientists and bureaucrats are editing the new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in closed-door meetings in Paris. Their report, which must be unanimously approved, is to be released Friday and is considered an authoritative document that could influence government and industrial policy worldwide.

Three participants said the group approved the term "very likely" in Thursday's sessions. That means they agree that there is a 90 percent chance that global warming is caused by humans.â€

So after reading this, the last sentence in the quote bothers me. I mean that very likely means it is probable, not a fact. Very likely is not 90%.

I go back to the fact it looks like that this is not a solid science, there is no solid agreement with the scientific community and it is clear that some of these people are making money off all of this. The idea of this being an “authoritative document that could influence government and industrial policy worldwide†worries me seeing that this is edited by bureaucrats. This leads me to believe that we as the US should not follow the document but continue to worry about us and our environment.

What I mean is that this will lead us to provide funding to the UN or another group to help other countries, like India, to ‘fix’ their mess. (if you read all about the conference itself and the amount of people who are there, I ask why wasn’t this a telecommuting thing, seeing that they are talking about global warming which is caused by humans, wouldn’t a huge teleconference been a good idea?). I don’t see an inclusion of a small minority of scientist who has been trying to point out that the Sun has a lot to do with the temperature of the earth and it is coming into a warming period. But I do see that there is a mention again that there will be a rise the oceans which is a highly contested subject, seeing that most of the ice is floating on the ocean and the rise according to a lot of scientists won’t be the 2 feet but maybe 3 inches.

OH, I got to add this too.

It seems that there is a Zero Carbon movement going on with the celebs, reading an article;

There are a few things I find really odd but goes back to my point of teleconfrencing and money making;

"But green business can be good business, especially when a trend is so hot: The New Oxford American Dictionary declared "carbon neutral" its "word of the year for 2006," for inclusion in its 2007 edition."

Now it is a trend, something like getting the latest iPod, how nice.


Eric Parent, an engineer who quit a job in waste management to start Climat Mundi in June, says polluting without offsetting could become as frowned upon as littering.

"It remains socially very acceptable to vacation on the other side of the world or to travel for a weekend to another country in Europe on a low-cost airline," Parent said in a telephone interview. "Growing awareness of global warming and the fact that we, as individuals, can now compensate for our emissions — which wasn't the case four to five years ago ... will, in my opinion, make traveling without compensating far less acceptable."

WRONG, the idea of Carbon Neutral has always been there and has been possible for anyone, it is called plant a tree or plant lots of trees.


"The French government is funding Climat Mundi's Eritrean stove project to compensate for this week's meeting in Paris on climate change. Bringing together some 500 people from all over the world for the conference is expected to produce some 1,100 tons of carbon dioxide."

OK let's teleconference next time.

AND finally

DiCaprio in the past has offset his carbon through organizations that plant trees and is "looking at various options" for 2007, according to Chuck Castleberry of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, which the "Titanic" star started in 1998 to promote environmental awareness. The actor switched recently to a Honda Accord hybrid car and has solar panels on his Los Angeles home.

GOod for him, why not take the money he has made and invest in some law makers to give us real tax credits to get solar panels, promote bio fuels for home use and get Honda, Ford and other companies to cut the profits out of green vehicles so everyone can afford them.


Veteran Expediter
hopefully if global warming is true it will put cali under water. time to buy that ocean front property in arizona.:p


Seasoned Expediter
You just can't help yourself tallcal. Again, a 100% liberal, emotional response. It is you, and your ilk, that thinks the Hollywood crowd has some magic insight just because they are celebreties. I would give much more credibility to someone who is actually doing something than someone making a movie about it. Do you really think Al Gore is on track about global warming? If so, do you think he also invented the internet? Do you think Madonna, Rosie, Barbara Streisand, John Travolta, that idiot that played BJ on MASH, Ed Asner and all the rest are truly blessed with infinite knowledge just because they are famous? I tell you they are not. I don't believe that Arnold, Tom Selleck or any of the others are either. They are entertainers, comics or just bad actors. They are not the know it alls many in this country think although some have turned into decent public servants.

You can make fun of the truckers on this sight if you like and attempt to talk down to them but I will tell you I hear alot more intelligence voiced on here than I do the television you are obviously worshiping.


Seasoned Expediter
tallcall wrote:

"Not to demoralize you Greg,but that damned liberal bunch out in Hollywood decided that Mr. Gore and his goofy little picture show was at least good enough for an OACAR NOMINATION!!"

The emphasis and obvious importance you put on an Oscar nomination tells it all.


Veteran Expediter
Hey D,do yourself a favor and buy a newspaper today.
There's a small meeting of some more dimwitted scientist from around the world(surly all liberals)going on in Paris.One of the really liberal rags,The Washington Post,has an in depth artcle that you might find interesting(maybe not,I'm sure it' easier to call names)but give it a try,just for the pure liberal bashing joy of it.
You may learn something.