It always amazes me, how some on here, get so carried away over a meaninignless statement made in a discussion like Leo's "22 behind the ear". When I read it, I just considered it in the context of someone that might just as likely say "he needs a butt whippin'. How Leo's remark got jacked up to murder and then the escalation it took on this thread from there, makes me ask, am I the only sane one on here? Makes me think of Jammin Jim who, in my opinion posted the most intelligent statement I ever read on EO, which is "DON'T TRY SO HARD TO BE OFFENDED". I sometimes think maybe white line fever is epidemic around here. Can you say SCROLL BY, before doing a few vitriolic paragraphs? Maybe we should have a new thread on here called TESTOSTERONE, where those that feel the need can go to implode.