Thank you Moot for the explanation.
I ran across a site which I can 't find again that sells glider kits and they have the new 2007 FL Cascadia for $69K, which I thought is not a bad price for someone who has the time and forethought to put together a truck.
I know that with the kit that there is some real work coordinating it all but for someone who has the drive train in say a '98 or '99 truck that is really in good shape or recently rebuilt, maybe this is a way to keep the drive train and have a new truck around it.
I know that they have them for KW, Petes and other trucks. I also know a lot of people would not want to go this route but seeing I can get my hands on a nice Cummins or DD 60 with autoshift behind it under $15K (which in the case of the DD 60, it comes with a wrecked truck to boot), it looks better than spending $100K - maybe.
The one thing I have yet to find is information about emissions, but again the DPFs retrofitting is not as much as I would have thought it would be.