Getting Involved


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Good Morning, Afternoon, or Evening ALL.
I have noticed lately that there hasn’t been very much activity on the forum. Summertime has always been a slow time on the forum, for various reasons. I would love to accept the fact that all our members are either to busy working, or on vacation, or just not around or near a PC to log onto EO. BUT! Checking the – who’s online link, and seeing that last week alone 52 members, and 401 guests visited the site. In the past month 112 members, and 1523 guests visited the EO site, tells me that's not so. I didn’t get the actual number of threads posted or number of responses to posted questions, but we all can see that the activity has been very slow.

Here is a quote from a very dedicated and devoted member of our forum, and believe me! He knows what he is talking about:

<“Open Forum Comments
I love the freedom we have and I love the fact that we can speak our mind openly - even here on this forum as it pertains to our industry. There are three kinds of posters at EO:
a. Community Minded
My favorite kind of member. These people contribute with their comments, ideas and suggestions, they really offer a lot to the online community. The generally tell you like it is and are always willing to help anyone. Down right good neighbors!
b. One Hit Wonders
These folks have a simple question and want a simple answer. They make one or two posts and then they just "lurk" in the background, reading the post but not participating until they have another question. They don't generally offer help to anyone else, but that's ok.
c. Hot Flamers
These posters generally come armed and loaded! They are angry and frustrated that no one at their company could or would address their issues so they think that they will get some action by posting their grievance here in the public for everyone to see. Typically, these posters never participate on any other topic or offer anyone any help whatsoever. They are on a mission to vent.
We see them come and go and often wonder what became of their situation. Most of these posts may be factual, but the poster is often very distraught.”>

All of us are either A, B, or C. It would be great if we were all A, but then it would also be great if we all could get a 1000 mile run every day too.
A while back (about 5yrs) I had a problem while on the road, and most people tried taking advantage of this. Everyone that is, except for this 1 old timer. To make a long story short, he got me back up and running, for pennies compared to the others wanting hundreds, of dollars that is. I couldn’t thank him enough. He wouldn’t take any money, but we did share a conversation over a cup of Java. He did ask me to do one thing for him. At that point I expected, well lets just say some crazy thoughts started hopping into my head. Pops told me that the only way we can keep the knowledge and wisdom that we have, is by giving it away. He said by sharing with others also helps us learn. He said if I wanted to return the favor, to just help others. I do try, to return his favor everyday!!!

I know a lot of you don’t want to post because of the fear of what others will say. Most of you that have been around know that we, most of the members here at EO will not tolerate anyone bashing other members that are sincere and really needs help. Maybe you think your question is a dumb one. The fact is! the only dumb question is the one not ask. Remember back when you first got into expediting, and needed help. Now you can help others. Maybe you’re new to the site and/or the profession, and want help? If you don’t ask, we can’t help. So fire away! There is someone somewhere reading this forum, wanting to learn what this is all about.
When someone asks a question, many of us won’t reply, because (?). You may have the answer that person is looking for, so please help out a fellow expediter.

News of our profession is also a good thing to post.
Maybe a new D O T state law was past in your home 20 that we aren’t aware of. Passing it onto us is a very big help.

You may have found a nice place or did something exciting while on a layover that you can share with other members. Most of the members don’t enjoy hanging out at a truck stop and are always looking for new ideas of things to do, and places to go.

Maybe there are some things about the forum that you don’t like. Post that too, and we, Rich, Mark, Lawrence, and I will take a look at the complaint. You may have some ideas on improving the forum. Let us know that also.

If there is anything anyone can think of to ad to this about how to improve the activity of the forum, please feel free to reply to this thread and add it ASAP!

One more thing I want to add: If you aren't posting or replying because you think you don't have very good grammar or because your spelling is a little off, Please don’t allow that to stop you from helping another member, or from you asking for help yourself. There are a lot of us that aren’t English majors or can’t spell (KAT) or is that (CAT)!!!!! I spend more time reading Mr. Webster than I do typing the words when I post or reply. A typo is the best excuse of any, for a misspelled word. So don’t worry about anything. Start posting!!!

The EO format is to help others learn and know what expediting is all about. We are here to provide one another with information about expediting and everything revolved around expediting. What better way to get it? Or! Who better to provide that information than directly from the horse him or herself? Hearing things coming right from the horses mouth is what the EO forums is all about. Lets keep expediting alive, let’s keep sharing our information, thoughts, hopes, and dreams with one another. To post it on the EO forums is to post it to the world.

Thank you all for being members and guests of the EO forums.


Expert Expediter
It would be nice to have a conference in which any topic or interest of any member, expeditor or non, could be openly and freely discussed. For instance, hobbies, politics, the environment or just about anything that may not fit so perfectly within the confines of some of the other, more specialized conferences. This is not to insult the profession or EO members, but to suggest another avenue for those of us who are not yet or may never be expedite specialists. This would be more of a "chew-the-fat" kind of conference and keep the current conferences more pertinent to subjects specific to expediting. I, for one, was steared to this website for lack of a good website for six wheelers who are pro drivers. The subject of expediting is fascinating and so are you people involved. If I have anything to say I say it. I visit often and read this site up and down---I don't like that phrase lurking. Anyway, food for thought.


Staff member

Thanks for your idea and suggestion. I have often thought a "Off-the-topic" area might be good. I felt that after the events of 9/11 it would have been nice to see everyone's thoughts on the matter.


On the keyboard of life, always keep
one finger on the escape key.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I’ll start it off by giving you my thoughts. I will echo you LM. I too often thought about a place to post “off the wall” things that go on in every day life. I’m sure all you other members have some thought on this idea. Let us know!!! Pro-or-Con.


Expert Expediter
As a newbe to the website and transportation business as well, I think it a great idea to get involved ..and I like the idea of the Off the wall forum.
Soooo having said that what can I do?


Veteran Expediter
Hubby and I both being "off the wall" kind of people with a slightly "bent" sense of humor are all for the idea, go for it!!
Thanks again Tony for your eagerness to help others, it is GREATLY appreciated.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I admit I used to get all bent when someone would put some posting about the Bush administration economic plan under the General Expediter forum, but if a seperate forum is made for off-subject topics, I would be all for it. Then I get to brag about my motorcycles:D


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
would't hurt to add another catagory. Most of the TT drivers are over on Trucknet and the van pool is shrinking as many companies have stopped adding them. That leaves just straight truck drivers viewing your site. Just an observation. They have also started their expedite forum up again at trucknet. I think Joe Roman is doing it.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Hey Weave, did you go to wisconson this past weekend for the Harley 100th

Wild Bill

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
I think a topic about nothing would be a beautiful thing. Then I could go on and on without needing a subject! Put me down for a yes to the No topic section.
