Okay Billy Boy, LM, Debbie, and anyone else that is on or was on the Atkins low carb diet I need your help and participation on this one. I along with many other drivers (that care to be honest and admit it) I am a tad bit over weight these days. I have heard many good things about the Atkins diet. That is the low carb diet!!! Billy sent me this site: http://www.atkinsfriends.com/ I checked it out and found it helpful but need more help than that. I’m the type of person that needs pushed or lead by the hand. I want to get healthy again and stay healthy. I hope there are some others out there reading this that is serious. Can we all help support one another here on the loading dock? I am looking for some ideas that will help me get started? My problem is, not knowing what to eat when the hunger urge strikes. The diet said to start 14 days without coffee. Are they CRAZY??? Is there anyone that will take part in this diet, and help???