

Seasoned Expediter
Hi everyone, I was reading thru the posts and saw the one concerning Executive Air and have to say I finally had to break down and join the site to let you all know that RUN AWAY isn't saying enough this unit is a piece of crap it wouldn't even make a good boat anchor, I bought one 11 months ago it has been in their shop at least 8 times everything except the engine and box has been replaces at least once and some of the parts 3 and 4 times deadhead to their shop and the down time not to mention the lost loads ran into many thousands of dollars, the thing never ran more than 2 weeks without breaking down twice it didn't last 2 days yes they did fix it each time I finally told them that the thing was a lemon and they either needed to replace it or refund my money but all they were willing to do was continue to patch it together with the price of the unit and the tremendous loss of business that piece of junk cost me over 15 grand last year i finally gave up and tore it off my truck and bought a real APU [a blackrock} if you value you business stay very far away from this thing


Seasoned Expediter
Greg its sitting on a skid in the back of my shop where i keep tripping over it, the thing is being a pain and it ain't even on the ,lol


Expert Expediter
Hey TimeOut, I'm glad to hear that the APU is working for you. But after 3 motors and amost every componant inside the box replaced 1-2 times over a period of 4 months, and that doesn't mean it ran that long between break downs, it was as often as I had time to Deadhead back to Marion, IL. for them to fix it. I'm sure that Gary would continue replacing parts on his units to keep word of mouth down to a minimum. As for me It was a piece of Crap. I also lost lots of Money over all the downtime involved with this unit.
Hope It Keeps working for you. Butch :) :) :)

Time Out

Seasoned Expediter
Yes Butch, the unit is running fine. When I purchased the unit from you it had 780 hours on it. If you owned it for four months... that means that it ran for a total of 32.5 days within that four month period. I guess the hour meter on the unit (the one under the bunk) is a piece of crap too. FYI I have owned two Rigmasters as well. They are very nice units but are not free from break downs. By the way... didn't you tell me that you were retiring from this business or was that a sales pitch?


Expert Expediter
Hi Joel,
Yes I did Retire for about 3 months,and really missed driving,and am Sorry that I sold My KW. I know have a Sterling Acterra. It's A good truck. Just not my kind of Truck. As for the hour meter. That was the only thing they never replaced. Your motor has less hours on it than what it shows. I ran the APU in order to use the Fridge/Micro/TV. All which ran on 110V. Main problem was Heat/Air. Gary did change the motor 3 times,on three differant trips to his location, before getting one to run right, Among many other parts. I'm Glad The Truck is working out for you. Be Safe/ Be Profitable..........Butch :) :) :)