Gays can now marry..


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No smoke here. I'm anti-smoking anywhere around me and anywhere around children.


Veteran Expediter
If the clerk is refusing to issue marriage licenses to all couples, where is the discrimination? The ACLU will almost certainly bring legal action, it's what they do. This will be played out in court rooms and voting booths in many places for years to come. It is unlikely a County Clerk in Kentucky would be convicted by a jury of his or her peers for objecting to issue licenses on religious liberty grounds. It is more likely an activist judge will muck things up, though. In conservative states, liberal office seekers will now face a huge hurdle because of public outcry against homosexual marriage. Resistance will come in many forms as homosexual marriage will not be seen as legitimate by large segments of the population. The five liberal SCOTUS justices did the LGBT community no favor.
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Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
l am sure the clerk and the county will both be named in a law suit. I am sure many others will follow.


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
All in all, it is all about the money and many lawyers will do well, yes gays do divorce, big time money here gang...


Veteran Expediter
If the clerk is refusing to issue marriage licenses to all couples, where is the discrimination? The ACLU will almost certainly bring legal action, it's what they do. This will be played out in court rooms and voting booths in many places for years to come. It is unlikely a County Clerk in Kentucky would be convicted by a jury of his or her peers for objecting to issue licenses on religious liberty grounds. It is more likely an activist judge will muck things up, though. In conservative states, liberal office seekers will now face a huge hurdle because of public outcry against homosexual marriage. Resistance will come in many forms as homosexual marriage will not be seen as legitimate by large segments of the population. The five liberal SCOTUS justices did the LGBT community no favor.

I could be wrong, but I think it's your view that is colored by your beliefs. Even in conservative states, the citizens have come to approve of gays getting married. The "large segment" [there's really just one: the religious beliefs defenders] isn't as large as you think, and it's getting smaller by the day. The same response was prompted when integration and interracial marriage were made law, and how did that work out?
How come they are only "activist" judges when you don't agree with them?
And speaking of religious beliefs, is it ok for doctors, nurses, & firefighters to withhold their services to people who are gay? Who is permitted to bring their beliefs to work, and who isn't?


Veteran Expediter
Cheri, you will find it is not only people holding religious views against homosexuality, but nonreligious people who refuse to legitimize unnatural acts with a stamp of approval. One need not be religious to distinguish between normal and abnormal or natural and unnatural. Homosexual unions can never form real marriages in the same sense that Bruce Jenner is not really a woman or that Rachel Dolezal can never really be black. Moreover, one must marvel how radical leftists rejoice in their world of make-believe where pretending is equal to reality.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
And speaking of religious beliefs, is it ok for doctors, nurses, & firefighters to withhold their services to people who are gay? Who is permitted to bring their beliefs to work, and who isn't?
No, as long as they don't have to make a cake for their wedding.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
If the clerk is refusing to issue marriage licenses to all couples, where is the discrimination?
Discrimination comes into play when the state continues to recognize religious marriages, and gives them state benefits. Gays will say they want to be married and have the same legal benefits, but they don't want to have a religious ceremony, and now we have states requiring compelled religious expression, which is a little bit unconstitutional.

Throw federal marriage benefits in to of that and you'll have the federal government, just like they did with Obamacare, take over marriage.
The five liberal SCOTUS justices did the LGBT community no favor.
On that I absolutely agree. I don't think the KY clerks will hold out more than a few days at most. The ones who do well lose bad. All of the county clerks are in constant communication with each other and they've been discussing this for a long time. They all know the situational outcomes. (a good friend of mine is the county clerk in my county).

But there roll be a societal backlash to this that will negatively affect the LBGT folks. Every time something is forced onto people, there is a backlash. Just look at the results of forced integration, which neither blacks nor whites in large numbers wanted. Instead of living in peaceful harmony, we have a seething racial animosity from both sides that just won't go away. The same will happen between straights and gays.


Veteran Expediter
This is a terrible thing. Now when someone calls you gay you can't just say, "I'm married".
I wish gays would have fought this from a different angle and said that marriage is a religious institution and that the government has no business being involved in religion or deciding who is worthy to be joined as a couple. I would have actively fought for that but instead they took the whiney "but it's not fair" route.
If the government shouldn't be involved then why do you need a license from the court for it to be legal? The government has been involved in marriage for a very long time...right?


Veteran Expediter
Marriage isn't about either one of those things. It certainly can be about all of that, but that's not what marriage is about.

That argument fails on two counts. One, there are marriages between two men that will absolutely offer one of them to be in charge of someone else, and two, same-sex couples are so desperate to mimic what they hate that they have to adopt children to raise themselves.

Rest assured, gay marriage will continue to be reviled by even the non-religious, as well.


Veteran Expediter
I hate Obama's policies. I hate Obama's superiority complex. I hate pretty much everything about Obama and his ruining of the nation and Constitution but I don't hate Obama. He's not worth the time or effort. I hold him in contempt, in disdain, I pity him for he is truly pitiful, but I wouldn't give him the credibility that hating him would offer.
If you say so!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If the government shouldn't be involved then why do you need a license from the court for it to be legal? The government has been involved in marriage for a very long time...right?

Because it's another tax they came up with a very long time ago.


Veteran Expediter
If the government shouldn't be involved then why do you need a license from the court for it to be legal? The government has been involved in marriage for a very long time...right?

Correct. My point is that they shouldn't be involved in granting permission for adults to pair up or in the middle of a religious institution. If we take the word marriage away from the government and the power for them to deny people the right to become a family unit then everyone wins.
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