Gas Vs Diesel


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
So at 75k miles a year the gasser at 20cpm costs $15k for gasoline and the diesel at 16cpm costs $12k. The diesel saves $3k a year in fuel but costs how much more per year in higher maintenance costs? And cost how much more in original purchase price? Most likely a debate that will never end.


Veteran Expediter
So at 75k miles a year the gasser at 20cpm costs $15k for gasoline and the diesel at 16cpm costs $12k. The diesel saves $3k a year in fuel but costs how much more per year in higher maintenance costs? And cost how much more in original purchase price? Most likely a debate that will never end.

It is a debate that will never end. Simply because it comes out pretty close in the final tally. There is a couple of people who will contend that their Sprinter maintenance costs are low. But we all know that there are others out there that have spent several thousands on their Sprinter to keep them on the one year even. Im sure there are gassers too that have been expensive to operate though. It would be nice to have a good honest compilation of factual numbers to look at but I gave up on getting facts a long time ago. Ego trips abound...facts? Not so much :)


Veteran Expediter
Motor Carrier Executive
US Army
I remember when gas was 27 cents and diesel was about 12-15 cents as I recall. I also recall spending 7 cents for my first fillup of my Honda 70.

I still remember when doubles were only a dollar more at the airport skypub.....

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
It could be the switching over to summer blend. Happens every year. It is anywhere on avg., about 30 to .40 differance.


Veteran Expediter
Saw diesel in Middletown OH today for $3.47 and closer to Cinti for $3.99, a spread of .52 just in diesel prices within 15-20 miles of each other. Then up in Madison Hts MI this afternoon a whopping $4.25/gal for diesel, making for a spread of .78/gal just within diesel in the same day within a few hundred miles.

SW Ohio saw Reg gas today range from 3.53 to 3.79 and Premium from 3.77 to 3.97.
In MI Reg gas ranged from 3.58 to 3.89 in MI with Premium gas ranging from 3.78 to 4.15.

All of which means nothing more, really, than that fuel prices are all over the board of late. Diesel cheaper than gas in some places and only marginally more in others with both big and small spreads evn within the same type fuel. The spread between gas and diesel over the last year, at least in my experience, was typically around .40/gal but today shows you sure can't depend on that right now but that you can get some nice saving with minor shopping around. The Gas Buddy app, as mentioned earlier in this thread, can be really helpful I that regard.


Active Expediter
I know that pulling 12k with my 7.3 I'm around 12-13 mpg. With my v10 ford I drop to 7-8 mpg.

Sent from my PC36100 using EO Forums


Veteran Expediter
I'm seeing diesel up to .25 a gal less than unleaded in Michigan, I guess that's due to less demand in warmer weather. Does anyone know over the course of a year what the avg. difference is in prices between the two? Just curious, is all.

The past three years abbout $ .50 a gal more average. For a while it was almost a buck more.