Keep in mind that better than 50% of the speculation in the commodity market is driven by Options to protect against Limit Downs. Of that less than 20% of long Options are exercised. The ones that aren't trading with Options, that actually buy contracts, are usually end users that want the product, big time speculators or day trading rookies.
If you are short and a Limit Down occurs, chances are your gonna be a lot richer than when you started the day, depending on your others trades if any. If your long, your screwed. Once a Limit Down occurs, all trading is shut down and it stops when it stops. Hopefully not zero. I have been out that market for 25 years now, but the last "major" Limit Down (AS far as I know) that I remember was OJ in the late 90s. It almost went to zero. Billions was lost in about a 5 hr period when a late freeze hit FL.
The major difference between the stock market and commodity market is the commodity market is purely driven on real time information. Charting will only loose you money. If your gonna play, you need have access to every weather and news channel around the world on 24/7 and you better be listening. The stock market, while it has its volatile moments, is driven more from other other sources that aren't always real time.
Charting techniques and historical information is used more before placing your bet.
While the producers try to set the price of their product, the price of the product from the middlemen is really what drives commodities. For example, OPEC says we want $75 a barrel, it trades at $100 a barrel. OPEC gets their $75, and the owner of the contract gets the difference.
On the other hand let's use soy beans, the farmer what $25 a bushel, but the most the market can generate is $23 a bushel, what happens. The farmer has a decision to make, take the $23 or let the soy bean rot in the field. Which by the way has happened way back when I think with corn one time but don't hold me to the corn part.
One last note, while we are a capitalistic society, these markets are participated by groups/countries of all the political spectrum from all over the world. Just because they are New York and Chicago based in this country, doesn't mean they are ours.