fuel surcharge


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
As far as I know unless you are doing a LTL or courier load.


Active Expediter
what do you mean by courier? and how can u have an LTL in a van.
i have a class a cdl, and i drove over the road for a couple years. i just started driving a van. it seems like i am only making enough to cover my fuel and a little bit extra. it seems like i'm making a pretty good percentage, but it just doesn't seem to add up
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Veteran Expediter
Are you driving for an owner?

If so, there's your answer.

A LOT of ltl goes on vans, they just don't see it.


Veteran Expediter
If your driving for an operator, just as the operator (owner) does, you should know where every dime goes from the unit you operate. My drivers have an agreement with me on their pay. They get a copy of all paperwork generated from every load they carry or responsible for. They also have a contract with me on their pay. I pay them when they turn in the paper work whether or not I'm am paid yet.
It's a business whether you own the vehicle or just drive it, it's your lively hood. Even if your new to this game or not, keep a copy of everything you do. File it physically and mentally, it will save you in the long run.


Veteran Expediter
I am an owner/operator of a cargo van. I drive for two different outfits, and both pay FSC on the runs they give me. If we take a base of $1.00 per mile, then the one company will pay .05 FSC, and the other is paying .10 FSC at present. That is on top of the $1.00 base per mile. Loaded miles paid, empty miles out-of-pocket.

Note: The one that pays the bigger FSC also happens to be the one that pays the tolls when loaded. The other company-- all the tolls are mine, all mine--- BWA-HAHAHAHAHA!!!!