Fuel Prices



I have watched Fuel prices go up .35 cents a gallon over night in my Town here in Central Indiana. Can anybody tell me why the big jump again????

Thanks and Be safe out there


Veteran Expediter
>I have watched Fuel prices go up .35 cents a gallon over
>night in my Town here in Central Indiana. Can anybody tell
>me why the big jump again????

supply is trailing demand or something like that.

Oh yea Rita. Shut down of refineries and the off shore platforms.

I was in Ohio last night fueling up at 2.83/gal and as I am finishing up, they are out at the sign changing it to 3.29/gal. On the way to my drop, I passed a station, 3.49/gal, on the way back 3.69/gal. right now Flying J, Berkshire 3.09/gal. Oh well i guess no Christmas presents for the cats this year.


Veteran Expediter
Knee Jerk Reaction, we will all be allright. Very slight shortage and we are being taken advantage of remember it went back down after the first one and once the repairs are done this will also. Down not back to where we once were.

FSC will have to come back accordingly. Be Optomistic as hard as it may seem to and do not get into conversations with other drivers as they are all crying OUT OF BUSINESS, STRIKE, etc.... Takes hard times for the tough to survive and they always come out the other end better than before.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Navy
also what get's me how same chain of gas stations in a 5 mile square area all have different price's have never unstood that


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I believe the several cents difference in fuel prices locally is based on each station deciding how many cpg to mark up the fuel as well as perhaps volume purchase discounts to one that another doesn't get. What I don't understand is how the same chain can range from 2.759 to 3.499 for diesel. I realize some places have to have the fuel trucked in from farther away but that seems ridiculous.

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
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