Expert Expediter
In regards to using charge cards for fuel purchases, which would be the most widely accepted, the "best" way to go?
A. Personal or Business credit cards.
B. Federal Express.
C. Fuel charge cards, i.e. BP Amoco, Holiday, etc..
D. Other. If so what are they?
Also in considering, which would offer the most perks, rebates, incentives and so forth?
If anybody has any other tips, or tricks of the trade they have run across or been using for years, any newbie, including myself, would love to hear about and take them into concideration.
By the way, a sincere thank you to everyone for their help, opinions,and suggestions on my questions. All of your answers and opinions are truely appreciated.
A. Personal or Business credit cards.
B. Federal Express.
C. Fuel charge cards, i.e. BP Amoco, Holiday, etc..
D. Other. If so what are they?
Also in considering, which would offer the most perks, rebates, incentives and so forth?
If anybody has any other tips, or tricks of the trade they have run across or been using for years, any newbie, including myself, would love to hear about and take them into concideration.
By the way, a sincere thank you to everyone for their help, opinions,and suggestions on my questions. All of your answers and opinions are truely appreciated.