Forum Tip Forum Changes (consolidation)


Staff member
Retired Expediter
We've made a few changes to the structures of the forums to tighten things up a bit.

Under The Expediter's Life section ~> The Loading Dock, the following forums are no longer separate subforums and have been merged into The Loading Dock:

Layover Lounge
The Scenic Route
The Daytripper's Guide
Woods and Waters

Channel 19, The Sports Page and The Roadside Rest remain as subforums under The Loading Dock.

Women's View has been bumped up from a sub-level forum to a top-level forum.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
How do I find the archives of the Layover Lounge? All that I see is Birthdays.
They're is no archive of the Layover Lounge, per se. All of those posts were merged into the Loading Dock.