Maverick: If that's the only contribution you ever make, it's a very good one. Not only because it answered the question asked, [which some didn't], but it put some new and useful info into the convo as well.
I've tried a couple methods: the gum, patch, hypnosis, acupuncture, and even a psyche med called Wellbutrin [many depressed patients reported that it made them feel like not smoking, so it's 'off label' use began] and none worked, not even the pills with the silly happy face, sigh. The simple truth is, I don't really WANT to quit - I wanted to please someone else, and wanting to [really REALLY ] is a prerequisite.
Since reading your post with it's strange words ['vaping'?] I've done some research, and I'm looking forward to trying it. Whether it constitutes 'quitting' or not, I'm not sure, but it eliminates a lot of the most objectionable parts, and that's good news. No, it's great news, lol - thanks for putting it out there.