Ford's better idea?


Veteran Expediter

I am not going to say much, but I understand your position.

I am not one of the ignorant masses, I know what is going on and understand that the base wages are not the problem. $2X an hour is half or less of what you really make, ask the union to get the exact figure.

I blame the company first for not producing a product and streamlining the productio processes.

Second I blame UAW for the mess, they forsaken the workers starting with Willow Run. I feel that the UAW is there for the UAW, the company and than the workers - in that order. the first two are far ahead of the last.

Third I do blame the workers, they seem to lost their will to fight for some things and lost many of the prinicples that made up the foundation of the UAW and the reason the UAW existed. I found working with the UAW that many just don't care. I mean I have not heard of any strikes, even the Delphi thing has been fading away. I would support a Delphi stike 100%.

But with that said, you made a decent wage and I hope you can get back in there. actually you make the same wage my father retired with and he was an excavator for Edison working around 48K plus underground voltage lines. Safety, I was at AA serveral times and I go back to my comment about the workers losing thier will to fight.

Ace you said;
Buy Ford and GM products they are still American firms and have their World Headquarters in the USA. I do not care that some of the products they make are out of the country. The profits come back to this country. I can not say that about Foreign owned companies even though they may have plants here.

I disagree. Let Ford and GM produce a product here first – not Mexico. Honda, Toyota and a lot of other companies have plants here; they provide a tax base that is disappearing with the BIG TWO. That tax revenue comes in the form of corporate, property, and employee income tax. Not to mention the amount of money the workers spend in the communities they live in. yes the profits go to another country, but so what a lot of the money stays right here.

I also got to point out that our great leader of Michigan Granholm dropped the ball with the Honda plant that is going to Indiana. I heard not from Devos's camp but from a die hard democrat that she didn't even meet with Honda with her big trip to Japan. I added up the number of jobs that are being created in Indiana, it tops 20K from the littleinfo I have. So I wonder why would any UAW worker vote for her, she does not care about the auto industry, just garbage from her home country.

simon says

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Not to knock anyone's product or get into a bash American car routine, but the proof is in the pudding, as the old saying goes.
Personal experience: driving Mazdas since 1995, 1st Mazda 626 purchased with 64,000 miles & 4 yrs. old. Drove it until I blew a head gasket (my fault- coolant smell, and no reaction by me for a long time). It died with 150,000 miles on it three yrs later. Then had 626, Protege, & Mazda 6. With the exception of the Protege', everything built out of Flat Rock, MI. could never equal the first one; point, the more that Ford stuck its grubby paws into the design and execution of the car (especially the rear suspension design ala Topaz, Escort) the more the quality went down hill. The Mazda 6 was good, but the variable valve timing (Ford) was flaky and at times it started really weird.
If anyone in their right mind wants to buy a car just out of loyalty to a given product, they have been asleep for twenty or thirty years. I drive a Pete, but if I could afford a Western Star, I would be all over it. Frankly, all the raving about the Hino amazes me- they seem cheap to me and only come rated with a 265 hsp engine.

We live in a world market: make a better widget and they will come... Problem is, it's the workers who suffer greatly for Ford's mismanagement.
By the way, most of the auto expedite I do anymore is Honda and Toyota. Anyone seen the Nissan or new Hyundai plant? I haven't been to a Ford or GM plant in a year...


Veteran Expediter

you said; "We live in a world market:"

this would be true if I could go over to Europe or Japan and buy a vehicle there without giving my first born up to get it back here.

We live with world competition within the US market.