Lets take a closer look at this.
1) 1100 jobs. 90% of theese jobs are likely in forgin countries, and those NEW U.S. jobs are nothing more than transplants made into eye candy for the sheeple.
2) Parts, parts? Anyone, anyone? Oh yeah that two dollar grommet we will have to import that will jack tha price to a couple hundred bucks. As for service? Dealer only.
3) Aftermarket parts available immediately? Yeah right OEMs have a five year exclusive production on parts.
4) Ford has always been the step brother to Dodge but WTF could they at least design anything a van that looks good this thing is just plain fugly.
I wasnt happy about the government take over and bailout of GM but at least so far you can afford to be married to an Express van and it wont blend into the van parking area.
Heres a tip for Ford. Shread the Sprinter plans and build the Econoline we know and has a good reputation.
Bob Wolf.