Thanks everyone.
The issue in our case are with male dogs, beagles and a number of other breeds are susceptible to bladder/prostate cancer after being fixed. There seems to be a trend that has shown up in the last decade with these breeds, my source for this info is Purdue University and Michigan State - both top vet schools. We didn't know much about this specific issue and would have not gone through with it if we knew we would face this. As the cancer vet said, a lot of vets don't really delve into the issue much because of the complexity of it and the cost involved so they are not all up on the issue. I found out that many vets don't look for it at all and many times it is stumbled across.
The two biggest gains in knowledge that we can take away from this is food and water are two factors involved. Food is a given, even though in the past 10 years the FDA has been involved with regulating pet food but water is something everyone assumes is safe for pets to drink tap water - one example is the fluoride in the water is actually a poison for pets but there are many other things in the water.
The other thing that I stress is to learn about it if you have one of the breeds like a beagle. Unfortunately I can not find any of my links to all the sites I used otherwise I would post them.
As for spaying Miss Minnie, I would think you would look into it for her long term health just in case. The pain is short lived.