The letter was sent to owners homes and included in the Fleet Bulletin emailed out today.
A surface driver will have a single point of contact for all load issues except payroll.
If your SE truck has Larry, Larry will be his go to guy. When Larry sees your truck just took that Fargo load Larry should start trying to find a way to get your truck out of Fargo.
Also when your truck needs a directional dispatch, say for repairs or hometime, he'll work with Larry.
Is 50 trucks too many ?
Probably not. 50 trucks means about 35 working today. Some drivers are low maint and don't need much help most weeks.
And the office people are used to a fairly heavy workload.
Overall, it should be a positive change.
It starts with T-T's ( the biggest whiners , maybe ?
Then it'll move to Straights, and then into vans.
At least that's the way I interpreted the letter.