First of all i would like to thank everyone that has given me encouragement and advise on getting back into trucking. In the beginning I honestly didnt know if I should do it or not. Expediting seems to be the way for me to go, and EO has definately helped me make the decision.
I leave on Oct. 13th for orientation with Tri-State, and should be on the road by the 15th. By utilizing EO forums, the Free Classified Ads, and heeding the advise of many veterens here, I was able to locate an O/O living 7 miles from my home who was willing to give me a shot. The pay i will receive is WAY more than i ever expected to get.
I have put together a web site and hope people considering Expediting as a career path will stop by and see how my career choice is going. I will be updating on a regular basis with daily activities, settlements, milage and just other itmes of interest.
The URL is: http://www.expeditersonline.com/web/kswish/Home.html
Stop by often and please sign my Guest Book.
I hope that anyone considering Expediting as a Career finds what they are looking for. I did and I thank EO for all of their encouragement and assistance. I sincerely appreciate EO and all that participate in the forums.
"Stay safe and remember, you are in charge of your future!!!!"
I leave on Oct. 13th for orientation with Tri-State, and should be on the road by the 15th. By utilizing EO forums, the Free Classified Ads, and heeding the advise of many veterens here, I was able to locate an O/O living 7 miles from my home who was willing to give me a shot. The pay i will receive is WAY more than i ever expected to get.
I have put together a web site and hope people considering Expediting as a career path will stop by and see how my career choice is going. I will be updating on a regular basis with daily activities, settlements, milage and just other itmes of interest.
The URL is: http://www.expeditersonline.com/web/kswish/Home.html
Stop by often and please sign my Guest Book.
I hope that anyone considering Expediting as a Career finds what they are looking for. I did and I thank EO for all of their encouragement and assistance. I sincerely appreciate EO and all that participate in the forums.
"Stay safe and remember, you are in charge of your future!!!!"