Felons commit over 90 percent of murders, More Gun Control Needed??


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Breaking News from Chicago, important to this thread:

Two peanuts were walking down Michigan Ave:
One was asalted.


Veteran Expediter
I think it would depend on the type of felony before you should go hanging people.
I would say 90% of felons just have not been arrested.

do you want to hang a guy because he was speeding pulls over and 1 oz of pot is found in his car.

you know 1 oz is most likely for his or her own use.I would also like to point out there is a difference between violent and non-violent offenders.a drunk driver that wrecks his car in a ditch leaves on foot could be a felon.are you sure you want to hang him?

the federal law requires a convicted felon to never have a gun. if a felon is caught with a gun even if he or she is not commiting a crime 5 yrs back to prison.

lets say a felon is at home and a non-felon breaks into his house.the felon uses a ballbat and beats the guy.the guy leaves but dies from injury obtained a few hours latter.
you think the felon should be hanged.

this is not an area that can be considered black and white there is alot of gray area


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I suggested hanging for conviction of a felony while in possession of a weapon. I don't believe drunk driving or speeding are felonies, unless someone else is killed as a result of it. The primary point is that you don't solve problems by enacting 30,000 laws against inanimate objects and honest people. You solve problems by making the consequences too severe for any sane person to risk suffering them. Common sense and intelligence supports that. Feelings and illogic support legislating against inanimate objects.


Veteran Expediter
I believe that drunk driving should be punished as if there was an intent to do harm, with no exceptions.

Someone who gets behind a wheel drunk when they know better is the same as someone playing with a gun in a crowd.

It is and always should be a felony...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I believe that drunk driving should be punished as if there was an intent to do harm, with no exceptions.

Someone who gets behind a wheel drunk when they know better is the same as someone playing with a gun in a crowd.

It is and always should be a felony...

If that is what the legislature establishes that's fine with me. I have ZERO sympathy for drunk drivers. When I said I don't think they are felonies I meant under current law. One could easily call a motor vehicle a weapon thereby making it a capital offense. I guarantee within a few months under this system the crime rate would be among the lowest in the world. Our liberal friends would need rubber rooms to deal with that much justice as opposed to our current system of almost no justice and almost all coddling.