> Below from a PM from BroomPilot to me:
> Obviously you did not investigate very hard. Our company
>does not put us thru Day Care. Right into making $ by
>passing Elementary, High School and into the Real World of
>making $.
> That is unacceptable to be beeped at 3 AM for a
>corporate memo.
> I will keep my pen and log ready instead of the new tech
>available and run the same miles and hours as the paperless
>logs. And I can do it on my time not being distrubed in the
>Wee hours. I cannot believe your P/O and defending them.
>Your rights, but it is wrong to call anyone at 3am.
>My Public Reply:
>Broom, I don't disagree with you on the ridiculousness of
>being beeped at "3 AM for a corporate memo." I think I said
>as much. As far as investigation, I don't see how that
>applies. As far as the "Day Care" comments, Panther doesn't
>run a day care, and to suggest so insults all the other
>experienced drivers who choose to run for Panther...for
>crying out loud, we're just talking about a glitch in a new
>system. I'm sure that when paper logs were first developed,
>they had a few hitches and glitches, too.
>BTW, I replied to this PM publicly because it was the
>subject of the OP, and not really a personal conversation.
As you state "RIDICULOUSNESS" than why are you standing up so tall for them? I stand by my private E Mail that you made public.
This company is babysitting you all. It is called MICROMANAGING. By not only charging one but at your expense in necessary REST. Does this not violate the decency of privacy at a reasonable hour? So stand tall there Seven Toed Kitty lover you got your seven toed cat with the twenty towed beeping Super Kitty to boot what a combination. My congrats to all three of you. How many toes is that?