FedEx to raises 2005 rates 2.6%


Expert Expediter
5:20pm 11/05/04 SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- FedEx Corp. (FDX) said late
Friday that it will raise its Express shipping rates 2.6
percent for 2005. The rate increase includes a 4.6
percent hike in its package and freight shipment costs,
and a 2 percent decrease in its fuel surcharge. Rates
for FedEx Ground and Home will rise 2.9 percent. The
rate increases will take effect Jan. 3, 2005.

I got this off of CBSMarketWatch. Does this include their expediting division?

Seems strange that they decreasing the fuel surcharge, no?
Any wagers on a portion of this increase showing up in driver's paychecks?


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
Interesting! Let's hope Custom Critical follows suit and everyone else jumps on the same wagon. The industry sure needs a fiscal infusion.

Since we get 58% of the customers tarrif, we'll also reap a proportionate share of any increase. I hope that fuel surcharge decrease is just a forecast of lower fuel costs in Jan.