fedex custom critical (solo)


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When I refer to agents, they are not dispatchers. They are Fedex freight brokers.
I currently have no equipment leased at Fedex but my trucks do haul their loads from time to time.

21 years


Expert Expediter
I was in Denver last week. There were several trucks and most of us sat there for 2 days or more. Most of the loads went to White Glove and E-units while the rest of us sat there.:-(


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Greg334 said, "Well who is Jack Dixon and why can’t I find all these posts ATeam is talking about?!?"

The author in question uses screen name "Jack Dixon". Search using that name to find his posts.


Veteran Expediter
Greg,with all the knowledge you seem to have about California(most of which is dead wrong,the interenet,your bible,does not always reflect reality)I'm afraid you are once again off base about solo in the west.Yes,it helps to have truck paid for to run solo anywhere.
I often run solo drivers around the east coast in W/G equipment while their team memeber is out of service.I burn big time miles for about the same revenue as solo in the west.
It's 400 miles from San Fran to LA,then 150 miles to San Diego.There is constant freight running between these points for W/G equipment.
There is also FEDEX supply chain which has almost daily reefer runs to Seattle(they also pay decent dead head back)as well as Phyzer runs from Reno to LA.Portland and Phoenix.
I'm not saying your going to get rich,but if you got into this business to get rich,I've still got that ocean front property in Arizona for you.Or perhaps a dedicated run from Bejing to Shanghi!


Veteran Expediter
Once again,for you to ponder,20% make 80% of the money,80% make 100% of the noise.
Which are you in?????????????


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Oh Oh I don't wanna be caught in a Hornets nest here. I live in Calif and been working it with Roberts and Fedex since 1999 and feel I have a pretty good handle on what goes on out here. I stay pretty proactive and am aware of most of the major accounts and many of the day to day loads. The fact of the matter is, most likely you will not make as much money running up and down the coast as you would in the midwest, but there are loads and I feel I make a pretty decent profit. I run well over 200 loads a year which has put me in the top 50 finalists for the 4 star award five years in a row. (Last year there was 1 six year winner and 1 other 5 year winner) There were also a couple other Calif drivers there. I am by no means bragging, just puttin up my qualifications to post that maybe I know what I am talking about.

Now, Jan and Feb are always very slow and if you delivered here today I admit, you may have a problem. There were quite a few trucks left over from the weekend and 8 or 9 still inbound. BUT, thats always Jan and Feb. there are always more trucks inbound then outbound.

But, also there are quite a few loads goin east, just not as many as inbound trucks so you can either dh right away or wait a couple days for a load.

What drivers need to do is check the VRU for all the west coast express centers. If there is a crowd they may want to get relocation asap back east. For instance four trucks delivered in Salt Lake City today and the C Link probably tells them to go to Reno. But, after checkin the VRU and 7 trucks on the SAC board and 8 on the RNO board I would strongly consider headin to Den, but these are day to day decisions.

Now also, I would rarely DH out of LOS. Even if you can't get all the way back east there are a lot of runs going to Salt Lake, Albuquerque, Denver or maybe even cconsider a run to Seattle for $1600
and then DH to OMA or MIN?

If you have a reefer Pfizer goes to Alb and Den and just DH back from there.
Fed ex don't like me to get too specific on info I give out here but last Thur and Fri I know of these loads Hayward, Ca to Hopewell Jct, NY, Phoenix to Baton Rouge, Reno to Denver, Reno to Albuquerque, Pomona to Kennedy Space ccenter, Fl, Lemoore, ca to Key West, fl, Torrance,Ca to Chicago,Il, Magna, Ut to Huntsville,Al, Nogales,Az to Louisville,Ky, Roseburg,Or to Lafayette,La, Gilbert, Az to Cincinatti,Oh, Ogden,Ut to Georgetown,Ky, Union City,Ca to Ridgeway,Va
Sumner, Wa to New Orleans,La and this afternoon a truck is loadin in Calexico,Ca for Plainfield,In

Those are just the loads I know about and not including the less then 500 mile runs, lots of LA to Phoenix and Bay Area etc.

So, as you can see it is really dead out here. I did 5 loads last week myself and waitin till March when it picks up again

Now we can hear from the authorites that came out here and sat a few days and can proclaim there is no freight. Sorry if I get a lil worked up but this has been a sore spot with me for years lol

Now, again I will admit there are more trucks inbound to the west then loads outbound and so obviously trucks will have to DH but maybe now is the time to check brokers and load boards for some backhaul freight since we can do that now?


Veteran Expediter
Thank God for Jack,it's been getting a little lonley being the only Cal guy for while.
I owe you lunch Jack,call this week when your home.


Veteran Expediter
Ok I guess I am a dumb Midwestern hick and seem to p***ed someone off so much that the attacks seemed personal – oh well, what a loss to me.

If some would read my post, I also said this is not for everyone.

Well I guess you are right; it is dead out west, all I heard from the people who make money in west have been wrong all along – all solo. The two O/O of the three out there are making money but I guess it is imaginary money because it is dead out there – they are also solo. I also guess that the theory that there is no freight because of the numerous tumble weeds in LA just holds true, LA is an empty suit.

But again I only passed on what I have been told, seen and other wise would do. Oh yea, I had a good month (great year so far) and a great day today and still would not hesitate going out west.

Thanks Jack, appreciate the information. It seems it is in line with what I was told.


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As mentioned by everyone is that freight volumes are tight out west. Just go to any load board and the results are there. There is alot of freight still available out west but a large degree of it is very cheap. That affects all companies including Fedex.
The decent runs as mentioned are usually on the predictable lanes that Jack mentioned.

21 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Yes, if you look at the load boards freight is slow and always is this time of year for the big trucks. Calif is still a heavy agriculture state and not as much produce moving this time of year.
But luckily Fedex still holds their rates up high out here and is still able to get business because of their reputation (Pfizer rates are a bit lower then I would like to see but thats another story lol)

I haul accounts for as low $1.25 a mile to as much as over $650 for a local temp assure run of less then 15 miles

I will share my numbers off the fedex extranet for the first 6 weeks of the year, yes I guess I had time to watch the tumbleweeds roll
what with only a lil over 1000 miles a week but thats what I shoot for during my semi vacation over Jan and Feb

23 runs 4 refusals 5210 loaded miles total revenue $11,161.60 $2.14 a loaded mile. My truck is paid for and I used about 800 gallons of fuel at around $2.65 a gallon. Now you can figure if I made any money or not?

As far as higher cost to run out here, true the shop rates are higher
and fuel is a bit higher (2.59 a gallon at Petro in Corning today} but we don't have many toll roads. For instance Ohio seems to be around 2.42 average. At 10 miles to the gallon it costs me 2c a mile more in Calif. Now if I run the toll roads back east last I knew it cost more then 2c a mile. Our nationwide fuel surcharge is 14.5% In Calif its 16% so things average out.

Now as far as Fed Ex Supply Chain Logistics. I am no authority on them but know they are a seperate division of FedEx and rarely work together with Custom Critical. I have hauled a grand total of 1 load for them in seven years. Last I knew they distributed for 3 Pharm companies out of Reno but not Pfizer. They have dedicated trucks that run out of Reno that will usually make 4 or 5 stops with the 3 seperate Pharm companies freight onboard. At least thats what I did last year. The paperwork was a nightmare and pay low, I guess once you get the hang of it it might be ok but not for me. The supply chain drivers I have talked to said they never hauled Custom Critical loads. If you live in Reno and like to run dedicated it might work.
If you ever stop at the Petro in Sparks,Nv you will probably see some of their trucks. Usually lil old reefer trucks

Now as far as loads and trucks it is very hard to predict freight out here. I make educated guesses all the time and am wrong often. For instance, I don't like Phoenix but I just got off the VRU and found that even though its a holiday there were 4C and 1D loads dispatched and there are currently no B C or D trucks checked in. Any fecc driver can verify that info. Ok I am done runnin my mouth off today, going back into Hibernation


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
OUCH, Tennessee, Don't ya just hate it when ya post and realize you made a mistake and there it is for the world to see. Shanghai is way down the coast south of Bejing


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I'm glad you said you were on vacation with your totals. We run at a slightly less rate but quite a bit more miles. You are correct in that they do have the tolls out east and sometimes we do have to pay.
The good news is that we run mostly the midwest,Texas, and the southeast which is toll free. At least this year on the tolls.
Good post on the west coast. Your information is right on. I hear pretty much the same from brokers I deal with out there.

21 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Thanks Dave
I may have been a bit too long winded but it all boils down to me trying to give someone a fair and objective idea on what to expect out here. By giving my numbers a potential newbie who is considering expediting has some figures to crunch and help determine if this is feasable for them. I would never advise a solo in Calif to purchase a new $100,000 truck for instance. And I always encourage, if asked , that the driver contact a fleet owner and put in a full year before considering a purchase.

Yeah Dave I agree those numbers do look a bit measely lol. One of my White Glove friends did $22,000 in Jan by comparison. But like i said Jan and Feb are always very slow, but with my low overhead I still cleared around $900 a week with lots of home time but of course I also know that about half that should be considered toward replacement cost of my truck.

I will post my numbers now for mostly running the west, as a team but with a few trips back east for the busy season for 4 months from Sept 1 to Dec 31
71 runs 19 refusals 42,089 loaded miles $75,834.60 $1.80 loaded mile

I am not White Glove, but if I was these numbers would be higher but thats a story for another time, just a personal choice


Expert Expediter
Boy'that post turned out to be more informtive than i thought.Good job showing what the west cost is all about.