Federal attorneys fired, who cares?


Veteran Expediter
I find that this is a real non-issue.

I mean that being a political appointment; you serve the administration and the president at their whim. They can get rid of you and no one can really do a thing.

Yea I read a lot about it but who really cares and why are wasting the money for investigation on something that is routine in Washington?

Is it really important at all when we have people in the CIA and FBI leaking classified information?

Where is the congress investigating this?


Veteran Expediter
I guess it's true that all the attorneys could be fired, if the President wished, but this particular President has a history of believing that the law doesn't apply to him, so any 'gray area' is going to be looked at very closely. We know that Mr Gonzales lied about the firings when first asked, which tends to make people wonder why he lied - to keep something wrong under wraps, or just to stay in practice?
When we don't care what our elected officials are really doing, we lose every benefit of democracy - which we're getting very close to as it is.


Veteran Expediter
I agree with you 100% but you are missing the point.

The issue is not the lying part, the issue is the fact that they were fired and no real reason was given that will satify the dems in congress.

The problem has been that many people don't understand that poltical appointments are just that, appointments and you serve on behalf of your boss, which in this case is the president not the congress.

If he don't like the way you part your hair or what you wear, you can be removed.

How many embassy staff are removed after being appointed?

How many in other cabinet level office appointees have been removed?

It is all normal.

But as I don't really care about the subject but the time wasted. what is not a waste of time is the need for congress to investigate U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton for his horrible prosecution of border agents, two different cases and a push for pardons.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
>but this particular President has a
>history of believing that the law doesn't apply to him,

I didn't realize we were talking about Clinton(s).

My uncle went to work for the V.A. after his discharge from the army at the end of WW2. He worked for them until he retired. He was in charge of the Waco office. The next step up from his position was an appointed position. He was asked to take it 3 times under different presidents and turned it down each time. Where he was guaranteed his position until retirement. Taking that last step up would have guaranteed his position until lunch.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Roberto's idea of the truth is no different then his boss's,what's so surprising?Truth has never gotten in the way with these guys since Florida,so it's just more of the same.
Quite entertaining and humor filled days these are!I love it!


Veteran Expediter
Yea Tallcal, but here is my question ... Does it really matter that a government appointee is fired?

Are there more important things that the congress of the United States can be doing (well now they are off on thier 'spring break')?

Remember these people are appointees and the person who nominated them is the same one who fired them which means the last time this really mattered was with Johnson trying to replace a cabinet level, secretary of war Stanton but in that case Lincoln appointed Stanton who was not only connected but also protect by the sonce repealed Tenure of Office Act.

So Does it matter?


Veteran Expediter
He lied to a Congressional Commitee.Period.Same thing Clinton did,no excuses.Only this was not about a stain.Hang him


Veteran Expediter
Yep that I do agree with, but see before that issue, it was a big deal. Why?

I mean if it only the lying part, that is a no brainer (as you said before) and get rid of him. but the thing is the media seems to be spinning this as such a bad thing that they got fired in the first place - nothing about the facts behind any lying.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
>Are there more important things that the congress of the
>United States can be doing (well now they are off on thier
>'spring break')?

You mean like passing a $400 billion dollar tax increase that's the largest in history by 67% over the second largest? Thank you dem controlled congress.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No, because the dems will be back for more again and again. They don't think we should have any of our money. They should control it all. Absent another Reagan or Bush or Kennedy they will never give that back and it will go on for far more years than Iraq will.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
When Clinton became Prsident,the same things were being said.My Repub friends whom I work along side told me to watch my wallet.I watched for eight years.It grew.I also watched tax's grow at a steady rate.It was not welcome,but I was making more money then I had ever made,and felt it was fair I should pay more.The wallet grew for 8 years then stopped.That opportinity to grow wallets was enjoyed by the entire population who worked.
If the perception by the populace is that wealth can be attained,or is within their grasp,they believe it,and strive for it.If they feel their leaders are mismanageing the counrty,and misspending their tax dollars,they will certainly complaine about tax's!.And they should.But where's the real peoblem?Could it be taxing the rich the least percetage of gross income?Who knows.
But it's like the lack of freight at times,confidence is what drives the markets,not to mention Wall Street.There is a profound lack of confidence in our leaders today.
If the Dem's don't deal with the problems resulting in our current sad state of affairs from 6 years of mismanagement,we may not ever see an economy that had the vigor of the 90's,regardless of who's in office at the time.
I get up each day hoping it will be better,and trying to convey that message to those around me.Otherwise,whats the point?


Veteran Expediter
So tallcal, I am just wondering what do you think of a change in the tax system to benefit all and elminate this class warfare stuff?


Veteran Expediter
Tallcal... you said Wall Street also affects the economy. Does that include the artificial dotcom boom of the 90s? Remember how the economy started to tank when that boom went bust in 99? I won't blame Clinton for it, tho he absolutely loved the robust economy it helped create, as I'm sure the Republican congress loved it as well. Whatever works for today, and dammed tomorrow. That's the mentality our government AND OUR PEOPLE need to get away from.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!

Bob and Hooligan

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member

They got us buddy! We might as well admit that it was Clinton and not
Judas who sold out Christ.

Road Hooligan


Veteran Expediter
Well I wasn't trying to rip on anyone, just wondering what his ideas are about tax reform and the elimination of class warfare?


Veteran Expediter
Economics moves in cycles,but confidence,measured daily,is either calming or a freight train out of control.I would suggest we are living under the second choice right now.No calm.
Manufacturing in the US was down 2.5% in March.Biggest 1 month fall in over a year.Not real good news for us as we feel the freight pinch.


Veteran Expediter
So tallcal, I am just wondering what do you think of a change in the tax system to benefit all and elminate this class warfare stuff?