The FedEx Custom Critical 4-Star award is a safety award with 0 tolerances of preventable accidents. To qualify you must have 70% Acceptance of loads, 70 % Availability for the year. You have to have a 98% on time delivery and pickup. The contest runs from June 1st to May 31st there are usually 200 to 300 truck that make this list, the tie breaker is who has hauled the most loads. The divisions are E units - C/D units - B Units and a percentage is taken from each group.
Contrary to popular belief you do not take just cheap loads or you will quickly go broke. The multiple winners have learned what loads to accept and not accept good areas of the country to stay in and also if a load is taken out of these areas how to get back into the freight zones. I would say that most if not all O/O that win are pretty smart business people and are very savvy on load acceptance.
The group that is at the 4-Star events are fascinating to talk to as they all have definite goals, a business plan and have very interesting backgrounds. It is fun to watch first year winners as most of the time there is a look of amazement on their faces as they attend the various events sponsored by FedEx Custom Critical, the event is a prestigious and it is treated that way throughout everything your stay. After you have attended one event it is very easy to see why you will try to achieve it again the next year.