I am not sure we want videos seen to not be visible everywhere. Some people might want to go back and watch again in the future.
That's exactly what happened when they went to this new format. With the old format, after you'd watched a video (and completed the test questions) it showed you had seen the video, but you could watch it again. It was still there and available for you to click on and watch again.
Granted, not a lot of people are going to watch a lot of videos a second time very often, but as hokey as some of them are, there is a lot of good information in there. There are a handful of videos that I'd watch once or twice a year as a refresher, a couple of adverse driving conditions videos in particular I can recall. And that was my complaint to Laura when Infinit-i changed to the new format, that once viewed, videos were no longer available.
When we went to the new format, it was accompanied by an e-mail from Laura telling us about the format change, and that if anyone needed instructions on how to navigate it, to let her know. That same day (7/16/13) I responded to her with:
"Yeah, I'll need the instructions for the new format. Looking over it now, I can't see where it shows which modules we've completed and which ones we haven't. It also appears every single module is a "current assignment"."
One of the problems was, when the new format was put into place, a lot of videos that I'd previously watched were still showing up in the new format (but they shouldn't have been there). My question was would I have to view them again to get credit for them. Turns out no, because my taking the test was already recorded in the database, so I got credit for all that I'd seen. Infinit-i got on that and matched up the database of the ones I'd seen to the ones still showing up and removed the ones I'd seen. So that was taken care of, but still, my response was, "Also, having them disappear so that we can no longer go back and review the videos in a refresher might not be the best idea."
A couple of e-mails later my comment was,
"Infinit-i really needs to set up another link where all of the available videos are listed for review, and that indicates which ones we've taken."
And now with the addition of the Current Assignment sections showing Feb and March videos, we have a similar problem as we had initially, where the videos are there under February and March, and also under the Trucking Industry folder. When you watch all the videos under Feb and March, they disappear indicated you've seen them. However, they still remain under the Trucking Industry folder as if they haven't been seen. So that needs to be fixed, where when it disappears from one place it needs to disappear from the other place, as well.
A separate issue is getting us a link to all of the videos including the ones we've seen before, so we can view them again if we want to.
It would also be just awesome if we had a link that would tell us all of the videos we'd seen, the date and time started and completed, Laura sent me a spreadsheet showing all of the modules I'd complete up through July 2013. It's very detailed. There are even live links to download and print a PDF of a certificate for each module (not that anybody is going to print out a separate 8x10 certificate for each and every video they've seen, but it's kinda kewl, regardless). Infinit-i should be able to adapt that for use to view on the site.
I'll call Matt and Mindy on Monday.