February Location and Banter


Expert Expediter
I80 closed in Wyoming due to the storm had to spend the night. Reopened when sun came out. So back on the road heading to Load1. Again trucks all over the sides of the roads in the ditches from sliding off the road.
Winter driving is just grand. We seem to be moving pretty good though now.

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App


Veteran Expediter
Emptied in Rochester Mi... Ran down to Taylor to turn in a fist full of BOL's... stopped up to Dispatch to tell them they needed to keep me busy so I could pay for the new truck, Frankis came through with a 2 stop run from Romulus to Cinciny Ohio...:D



Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Stuck here at home for the duration.

Had an MRI done yesterday and it confirmed the disc ruptured again. Have appointment with doc next week to set up the surgery date.

I'll be down 6-8 weeks. Will be putting a driver in my truck, so I guess I'm done driving for the foreseeable future.


Veteran Expediter
Stuck here at home for the duration.

Had an MRI done yesterday and it confirmed the disc ruptured again. Have appointment with doc next week to set up the surgery date.

I'll be down 6-8 weeks. Will be putting a driver in my truck, so I guess I'm done driving for the foreseeable future.

I am so sorry to hear that. Major bummer!


Expert Expediter
Stuck here at home for the duration.

Had an MRI done yesterday and it confirmed the disc ruptured again. Have appointment with doc next week to set up the surgery date.

I'll be down 6-8 weeks. Will be putting a driver in my truck, so I guess I'm done driving for the foreseeable future.

Sorry to hear that Steve. I wish you a speedy recovery


OVM Project Manager
:)at the house posted with speedy fingers and my desktop!

Steve..sorry to hear about that...hope the operation goes well and you make a speedy recovery.

Todd...so whatcha think about California now? I know you really wanted to go there...is the California fever over yet?:D


Retired Expediter
:)at the house posted with speedy fingers and my desktop!

Steve..sorry to hear about that...hope the operation goes well and you make a speedy recovery.

Todd...so whatcha think about California now? I know you really wanted to go there...is the California fever over yet?:D

Hope Todd learned his lesson about the left coast....CV's and Sprinters can really get burned out there...


Retired Expediter
Hope he is not pulling a Broke Back Mountain out there...

so he walks into a Wendys and orders a "double stack" burger*lol*