Now that I'm informed of your lack of miles (hence your ability to be a moderator and constantly pass judgment)and abuse of your position as moderator I'll deal with you accordingly. As I mentioned, if you gathered all info you'd be aware that he was in route at when notified of the delivery time change. And good to know you're a physicist and not and expediter that explains your lack of knowledge on the subject. Yes I was suspended before for giving my opinion. It clashed with the "clique" so I was suspended. Lol. Only lord turtle and his pals can name call or be opinionated else you're a threat to the attention he thrives on. Lol. You keep mentioning he drove non stop and was offered favors that cannot be returned. Again you make an assumption and you know what it does to assume....makes an.....! Lol. I will continue to be on here regardless of anyone that wants to hate or dislike me. Meet me and your opinion will change. I've been out here only 4 years but have done well for myself. I have no shame saying I know this business and am very good at it. If any of you say you've never taken a tight run before you're either lying or retired and do this for gas money to travel. So be ready Turtle cuz you and I are going to have a blast!!!!