Once upon a recent time we would have shipped his a** to another country. At one time we had laws to deal with him, his lies and deciet and the propaganda but we have become less cultured and less caring about our country.
The rights that people think they have are not absolute, they are not clear cut and if some think that the founding fathers were alright with his form of deceit and propaganda, think again.
For instance, Freedom of the press does not mean an orgainized press and does not mean one is above the law but it is felt that a journalist is above the law, they can print secrets, they can photograph sensitive things and publish them and they can not devulge information or people who broke the law under some made up protection while a common citizen can not do any of these things. It is the common citizen that was the press when the consitutiuon was written, there was no orgainilze press, there was no special club to get into to get a press pass, it was you or me who gathered the news or created a pamphlet for the common good of all.
History has given us a number of presidential tyrants, Wilson and Roosevelt are two who took a lot of our rights away. Wilson wanted to strip the constitution and bring our country into a parliamentary system of government while Roosevelt put in controls that steal our labor and distribute it to others without any recourse for us.
I have met and talked to moore, he is a contemptuious a** and I think that anyone who falls for his propaganda is a bigger fool. I wathced one movie of his, Rodger and Me and seen a lot of creative editing and lies.
As for someone fighting for my rights, I can't bring myself to agree with that, my rights are being constently attacked internally, not by some threat outside the country. The biggest threat to my rights are the courts demanding people who are in a foriegn land and who want to kill me will get more access to the courts then I am allowed.
But before you all get insulted, I feel that the people in the military and the ones who fought with them, fought for a bigger thing, our country and there is no amount of graditiude that I can convey to show what that means to me.