Extraordinary Rendition .....


Veteran Expediter
Just because he was with CIA and 'turned' does not make his 'experience' any more valid than mine.
Turned ?

This would appear to suggest that you equate criticism of government, its agencies, and policies and actions - particularly by those who were formerly part of it - as akin to being a traitor or something .... which is a rather odd premise, given it is not only an citizen's right to do so, but (in my estimation) their duty as well ....

Evidently it has escaped your notice that this position on your part places yourself into the same category, at least in that respect, as Mr. McGovern ....

Just because I am an expediter now does not invalidate what I did before.
That's certainly true - but the fact that he is actually doing something (other than just complaining on a web forum to a bunch of truckers) meaningful and effective, to me says a lot ....

Of course .... YMMV .....