Extending Unemployment Benefits


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The point is, you get laid off from an employer that pays into the unemployment fund, you get 26 weeks. That is it. Taxpayer money should NOT be funding more. Why is a PHD special? They can get laid off, they get 26 weeks, they are done too. Period. Why should we hard working business people, you know, expediters, have our wages taken to support them? That makes no sense. We cannot draw unemployment, why should we have to pay for others too?


Veteran Expediter
US Army
I never said that the government should extend the benefits or increase your taxes. Just that there are reasons why people would not accept every job offer.
My brother is an avid Republican a member of the Tea Party and whatever that vote them out group is called. He would agree with you 100%. He pays more in taxes each year than I bring home.
But Unemployment Compensation Insurance is just that. Insurance. Paid for by his employer, not tax dollars. And he was re employed within 3 months.
I don't accept every opp that comes through the QC. I am turning down unsuitable low paying work to wait for an offer that fits my needs and requirements.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I never said that the government should extend the benefits or increase your taxes. Just that there are reasons why people would not accept every job offer.
My brother is an avid Republican a member of the Tea Party and whatever that vote them out group is called. He would agree with you 100%. He pays more in taxes each year than I bring home.
But Unemployment Compensation Insurance is just that. Insurance. Paid for by his employer, not tax dollars. And he was re employed within 3 months.
I don't accept every opp that comes through the QC. I am turning down unsuitable low paying work to wait for an offer that fits my needs and requirements.

You are right. As long as he is on his 26 weeks that is paid for by the employer, it is fine. AFTER that, when only tax payers are funding it, he, or anyone, should NOT be receiving more. Once taxpayers are covering it, it is no longer unemployment insurance, it is another form of welfare. In other words, redistribution of wealth. Robbing Peter to pay Paul. NO ONE on welfare should be allowed to turn down work, AND, they should have to EARN what they do get. NO free rides for anyone who is able to work. Education level matters not.


Veteran Expediter
US Army
I agree. Welfare should not be free. When I was stationed in West Berlin Germany, 1/3 of the city was on welfare. They had to earn the money by sweeping the streets, sidewalks and doing other type of work for the welfare of the tax paying citizens. What a clean and beautiful city it was then.
But unemployment insurance for the first 26 weeks is not welfare. It is insurance and as an employee you are entitled to it as long as you were not fired for cause or quit the job.


Veteran Expediter
US Army
The point is, you get laid off from an employer that pays into the unemployment fund, you get 26 weeks. That is it. Taxpayer money should NOT be funding more. Why is a PHD special? They can get laid off, they get 26 weeks, they are done too. Period. Why should we hard working business people, you know, expediters, have our wages taken to support them? That makes no sense. We cannot draw unemployment, why should we have to pay for others too?

Actually you can draw unemployment.
Set yourself up as a Chapter S corp. Hire yourself as an employee and pay yourself a fair wage. Withold taxes, SS, Medicare and pay the matching amounts. And pay unemployment compensation insurance on your employees (you).
Wait until you have paid enough money in. Then lay yourself off and go out of business.
File a claim and collect your check.


Veteran Expediter
I can actually understand someone turning down an offer for employment in the right cicumstances.
My brother who has a Phd EE was laid off from his position of Principal Research and Design Engineer. He applied for and received unemployment compensation. For the first time in 43 years of employment. (In Florida this is an insurance which is paid into by the employer. I don't know how other states do it.) He was offered a job at less than half his former pay and declined. His reasons were: If I take it, I am not available to go to other interviews. I will have to show it on my work history. I will not be able to quit when I find out I am not suited to this job and then re apply for unemployment. I am not planning on keeping this job so I would just be wasting the employers time training me. etc., etc.
He contnued his work search and eventually found a job that he was qualified for and paid what he expected to make for his experience and education.
Then again that's what the system was designed for. To help hard working people get through until they can find suitable employment.

Someone can always find a reason not to do something. The system was designed to help people get through until they find work not until they find suitable employment. I think they say once a person has been out of the work force for one year their chances of returning to work is reduced by 50%.


Veteran Expediter
Well I would agree that this is a helping hand but when you have 13 week extensions with some people who are on their fifth and sixth extension, it is a problem.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I agree. Welfare should not be free. When I was stationed in West Berlin Germany, 1/3 of the city was on welfare. They had to earn the money by sweeping the streets, sidewalks and doing other type of work for the welfare of the tax paying citizens. What a clean and beautiful city it was then.
But unemployment insurance for the first 26 weeks is not welfare. It is insurance and as an employee you are entitled to it as long as you were not fired for cause or quit the job.

100% correct. both about what you saw in Germany AND the first 26 weeks. I was talking about the extensions, THAT is welfare.

As to the "S" corp and all that, I am honest. That says it all.


Veteran Expediter
It's questionable here in Michigan too.

I don't think seasonal workers, like some construction workers, teachers and others who know when they are going to be without work should get a dime. This is a form of insurance, not a form of pension plan.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It's questionable here in Michigan too.

I don't think seasonal workers, like some construction workers, teachers and others who know when they are going to be without work should get a dime. This is a form of insurance, not a form of pension plan.

That can get interesting Greg. When I worked at the PA State parks I was seasonal. I would get laid off every fall and called back in the spring. Why? There was NO work for us to do. Of course, they had convicts working in the park all winter. They cleared hiking trails, painted inside, in other words, worked all winter on jobs that did not exist. The union I was FORCED by LAW to belong to went along with this. What a great system. Take that all you "libtards"!! That sure made me want to do my best all the time!! :mad:


Veteran Expediter
One reason to extend unemployment benefits:

A political cartoon showed Obama pontificating on why unemployment benefits (welfare, according to my hero Hank Hill) should be extended. Says he: "Unemployment benefits must be extended for two more years because no business owner in his right mind would hire someone until I'm gone."