Expediter Services


Expert Expediter
We drove for Expediter Services for over 16 months. Great people to drive for. As for only wanting teams, got to remember they have new Kenworths that have 2800 monthly payments (per Bobby). Kind of hard to put a solo in a truck and make that kind of payment. Yes, they do have some solo trucks but they are usually occupied. Best thing you can do is just keep checking back with them on the off chance one gets turned in.


I drove for this company and after two months I called Bobby and the office and let them know I was buying my own truck and needed to return there truck to Ohio I was told by them good luck and they hoped I made it, I still had load pay comming and they sent me every penny, boy try that with most owners in this business, I am sure you can kind some good owners, but if I was starting out or getting back into the business I would drive for an owner Company that I was going to get payed. I would give this company 100% and good luck


Expert Expediter
I drove for this company and after two months I called Bobby and the office and let them know I was buying my own truck and needed to return there truck to Ohio I was told by them good luck and they hoped I made it, I still had load pay comming and they sent me every penny, boy try that with most owners in this business, I am sure you can kind some good owners, but if I was starting out or getting back into the business I would drive for an owner Company that I was going to get payed. I would give this company 100% and good luck

Have to agree, after we gave notice we were also paid every penny we had coming including re-imbursements and bonuses. Expediter Services is an excellent company to drive for. As I said before we only left out of disloyalty to the truck. Got offered this rolling condo and had to take her. It's home away from home. If they had trucks like this you couldn't have pryed me away from them. (not that they don't have good trucks, just not like this one). Luckily we fell into a bed of roses and have an excellent truck owner now as well. Couldn't ask for better people with either company Expediters or our current. Gotta love'em! :D


Seasoned Expediter
We have been with ES for just over a year now and couldn't be happier with them. Yes we have had breakdowns, who hasn't? What matters is how we get treated when there is a problem. Our truck was put in the shop for about a week last summer. We were offered several options. They would pay for a hotel or a rental car for the week or they would get us the rental car for us to take to Toledo and get into another truck that was ready to go instead of waiting for ours. I did see one thing here that I would like to correct, Bobby isn't the owner lol. He is a great guy and knows the business very well and is a great help though. They do not micro manage their drivers. They are there if you need them but if you know what you are doing they leave you alone and let you do your job. We have never had a problem getting paid on time or getting reimbursements and when we needed a new fuel card they over nighted it to us. I just can't say anything bad about them. It is nice to be able to pick up the phone and call and have a friendly, knowledgable, helpful voice on the other end. :D


Expert Expediter
whats the requirements for expediter services. I went to their site but their page wont load completely to view


Expert Expediter
whats the requirements for expediter services. I went to their site but their page wont load completely to view

I just clicked on thier banner on the EO home page and it is loading fine.
The number listed is 1-877-349-9303.

As for requirements: They contract with several Carriers and the requirements come mostly from the particular carrier.

They almost always require a team if that is what you are wondering.


Not a Member
Yes. they are an excellent co. to work for. I have considered driving for them in the past, until they started requiring teams only.too bad.I have never heard anything bad about them, either.


Seasoned Expediter
I think they will run solos w/ Tri-State.
We ran Panther with them and now run FedEx.
Great people to work for.


Expert Expediter
Expediter Services provides a great opportunity for a driver to utilize top notch, well maintained equipment with a fair pay structure with on-time accurate pay. All of this with little to no investment by the driver.

The only requirement for the driver is to make an effort to learn the business and run the truck to produce sufficient revenue. This is a win win situation as long as the driver can put forth some effort.

It is sad to see that they have to deal with drivers like safetyman and milkmoney on a daily basis.

This is the nightmare that all fleet owners are forced to deal with. Drivers that blame everyone and everything except themselves and then bad mouth the very people who gave them a chance.

If you cannot make a go of it with ES you should find another career because you will not make it in expediting.


Expert Expediter
ATTN: Moderators

Safetyman and Milkman are new members and have violated the "drive by" posting rule.

Please remove these posts.


Staff member
WOW,the mods must like you.

He brought it to their attention...it's is the first step.

The best way to do it by clicking the REPORT THIS POST icon:

It creates a ticket in the Moderators Area and it can be addressed there.

Thanks! :eek:
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Expert Expediter
Anyone that cannot succeed driving for Expediter Services is going to fail regardless of whoever they drive for. Expediter Services is one of the best expedite companies there is. We drove for them and can honestly say they are a straight up company and are ALWAYS available to their drivers, not just 9 to 5. They have someone manning the phone 100% of the time. Even though I do not currently drive for them I would never hesitate to go back to driving for them. (Well, other then the fact they are no longer with TS, I would not care to leave TS so that could be an issue) They are just a wonderful caring group of people to work with. That's a FACT! :D


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Based on the comments in the Fed forum, I think it is just sour grapes from some over the speed limiter issue.


Seasoned Expediter
a do you make money while truck is in shop`
b yes they pay on time
c yes they paid motel
d did i make money with them yes but as much as were i am back to
e trucks c 13 cat 10 speed auto apu that might or might not work c 13 the worst eng i ever had the pleasure to run 10 speed auto a pice of junk rather have a 5 and 4 or even a super tenor what about that ess 10
f try calling in on wed's night
they are ok but as great as some try to say nope :(