Expediter Runs Over Strange Beast


Staff member
Ok, this is little off topic, but wanted to share it with you all any way because it has made a significant impact on this expediters life.

Many of you know Terry and how he has been on the road for over 14 years now. According to Terry he was on a late night run through the state of Louisiana. As Terry was coming out of a dark, old bayou this hideous looking beast was darting across the highway. Terry said he swerved to miss it but clipped him on his left bumper.

Terry said there was a JB Hunt driver that saw the whole thing and stopped to assist him. When the JB driver saw the bloody, twitching "thing" on the side of the road he immediately ran back to his truck and left the scene.

They called 911 several times but assistance never showed up. Terry picked the "thing" up and threw it in his truck and went to complete his load.

On his way back to MO he stopped and had the beast mounted. He took it to the Mid-America Truck Show where we photographed this picture.

And what is the point of this post? Expediter - you never now what's around that next corner....


Expediters Online.com

Everybody is someone else's weirdo.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I have had the pleasure of sitting on Terry!s patio deck and sharing an adult beverage with Terry along with that strange creature starring at me. After several beverage!s ,He or it became quite friendly..


Expert Expediter
I always wondered what happened to my ex-wife after the divorce.
She returned to the swamp she crawled out of.:+ :+