Doesn't matter if it paid a high rate or not. If your contract or Qualcomm or whatever op utilizes is an agreement to pick and deliver and if he gets to receiver and they are telling him it reloads back... that point there is the matter of pay for the trip back. Sometimes it'll pay 75% of the tariff or sometimes 100%. Or whatever is negotiated. Run into this a lot with GM loads since XPO took over all of that. It doesn't matter if they paid $10 a mile to get the load to the plant. If they tell me racks are going back on my truck for the trip back (no if's, and's, or but's which is how they put it to me) then i'm also getting paid for that trip back. Anyone telling you the rate covered it one way (if you're leased on to someone) is telling you one big whopper of a lie and pocketing money off your free transportation. But maybe that is how it's done with cargo vans?