Canada Expedite companies in Canada - information


Active Expediter
I started reading your post and the words you speak are so true.
I started with Thompson Emergency Freight Systems, Tecumseh, ON and Pat
had this huge decal plastered on both sides of my brand new ext. Sprinter van, claiming I would earn 100 thousand yearly driving for them, and then had the nerve to charge me driving around all over North America advertising for free. Pat should have paid me 10 grand at least for that BS.
There should be a law to what transport companies can and can not do to drivers.

All drivers have to pay out of pocket for so many things.
I personally have subsidized Thompson Emergency, Pival International, Over The Road, Mississauga...never get involved with OTR. Richard Meyers is a crook! He will smile all the while ripping you off...the list goes on with most of these transport companies. From my experiences there should be systems put into place to have all transport companies monitored and regulated.

I am a single lady just trying make a life. If it wasn't for Thompson Emergency< I would not be in the financial hardship I am in right now.
I have to agree with you that most transport companies have no heart, they are cold sharks taking advantage of professional drivers.
That's why they call us brokers, transport companies rip us off.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I have heard a lot of negative things about OTR as well, but what specifically about the others has left a bad taste in your mouth?

If it's just recruiters BS telling you that you will get rich, then unfortunately that's an industry wide problem, but if there was something specific about pay or anything else you were mislead about, then please elaborate.

As far as company logos on the vehicle are concerned, many of the major carriers require them for uniformity and identification. Some carriers will pay you extra for displaying them, some will not.

Also, how long were you with each carrier before jumping ship?