Expediitor seminiar in Monroe advice?


Seasoned Expediter
I'm overseas right now, but will be back for 2 weeks to go to the Seminar in Monroe. I really wanted to come to the July one, but don't think I can make it.

Just curious if a lot of people go to the smaller seminars?
Also current Expeditors have these seminars been very helpful for any of you at the beginning?
Really wanted to talk to companies, but afraid 5 hours wont be enough.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
A number of companies (carriers) will be represented at the Monroe event. If you skip one of the sessions when most others are seated in the classroom, you will have easy access to the company representatives. Just let them know you want to talk to them during a session.

The obvious trade off is missing the session. You could try calling ahead to make a before-session or after-session appointment with one or more carrier representatives (recruiters).

I don't know what you mean by "a lot" of people. When Diane and I spoke at the Monroe seminar, the hotel meeting rooms were full and the recruiters were busy talking to many people who went from table to table to get information. Those visits were brief. Coming from as far away as you are, it may be wise to schedule appointments ahead of time so you can visit with recruiters at length.

Monroe is an easy drive from the headquarters of several carriers. If you have time, you could drive to their offices to check them out.
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Veteran Expediter
When we were in Knoxville last month there were well over 100 people there. There were alot of very good questions that were asked.

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Staff member
I'm overseas right now, but will be back for 2 weeks to go to the Seminar in Monroe. I really wanted to come to the July one, but don't think I can make it.

Just curious if a lot of people go to the smaller seminars?
Also current Expeditors have these seminars been very helpful for any of you at the beginning?
Really wanted to talk to companies, but afraid 5 hours wont be enough.

There really isn't a comparison with the Expo and EO U (Workshop) in Monroe. At the Expo we are expecting 35 carriers - Monroe 8 or 9.

But I will say the TOP carriers will all be in Monroe, so that time should be well spent.

On that note for anyone who would like to learn more please visit:

ExpeditersOnline.com University - Monroe, MI - May 17, 2012


Seasoned Expediter
Thanks everyone for the good info. This is basically what I need to know.

Also was not sure if I could schedule a meeting with companies to talk to a recruiter, but thanks ateam for getting me a future question answered. Saves me some phone calls. Was thinking of talking to Bolt, PTL and Load One since I'm in Ohio.

If things look promising after May I may come to July show. Would be nice to place a few faces to the many names on the forum.

Thanks for everyone's time!


Veteran Expediter
You were given good advise above an ill add to it that the carriers you listed are excellent carriers and all within 45 miles of Monroe..one thing to keep in mind and a quick call to each will verify if they what type of units they are taking on within the next 30-60 days...No matter what the time frame you are looking at taking the leap into this business, once you narrow it to the carriers you want to work with, fill out their applications and get it into them, several have waiting list and work from those.

I look for changes this yr in the industry wth more then a few under performing O/O's leaving the CV segment andthe carriers not replacing them with the regular "CV's"..when they are replaced, you will see the bigger units (sprinters, 12 ft under 10,000 gvw cubes, Cargo Max type units and ST's) it just sees to be the trend....with freight being slow in that segment, carriers are looking to use ther available units to their benefit and the biggercapacity units are the ones they are leaning towards....

Again, the 3 carriers you listed ae excellent , call them and find out which units they will be putting on and get them your info asap..go to the EO U in Monroe and if at all possible, get to the EXPO...it will be well worth your effort to do so...
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