Excessive profits and price gouging


Veteran Expediter
I read about Apples quarterly profits tonight and wonder why a company can make $7.1 billion and the dems are all upset with Exxon making not much more than that $10 billion a few years ago.

I think that there should be serious investigations into the excessive pricing of Apple products, especially the high price of a Mac compared to a PC and why is an iPod profit so big when there are needy children out there who will never see an iPod in their life let alone have one.

I am writing to my representatives and asking them to support universal iPod coverage for all and investigate Apple. We need to put price controls on apple products and have them pay for some dimwitted advertising campaign in order to spend money.


Veteran Expediter
OK the house has passed an "energy bill, which would reimpose $15 billion in fees, royalties and taxes on the oil industry".

What I want to know is who is going to pay for this?

I can tell you, You and I.

Does anyone seriously think that the price of fuel (at $2.17 for diesel and $1.88 for gas here in Indy) will go down in price as the rice of crude goes down?

It floors me that people don't think of the supply channel that companies like Exxon have with crude and how they can post profits as they did.

It may sound like a joke the way I phrased about Apples profits, but seriously, I think that Apple should be investigated due to thier profits and their MS style practices with thier pricing.


Veteran Expediter
Does one go to an Apple Tree for shade in the heat of the day, or to the Apple Store for an Ipod?

They invented it, so should they not be entitlted to the profits? Did Exon invent Oil, or just find away to get it out of the ground? Supply and Demand=large SUVs for that 5-4 soccor mom to get Johnny to school and back, when there is a Tax Payer, Paid for School Bus that must stop in front of his house (mandatory) but Mommy Suzy has seen to many Oprah shows where kids are picked on, on the way to school.
Not my Johnny. Don't ya just love seeing more SUVs leaving a school yard than school bus's? While the bus is empty and just about every SUV has two occupants, driver and one passenger.

Gotta Love waistefull, overspending Americans.