EX NY Governor


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Man $4300.00 for a night with a hooker,thats having disposable income.Wonder what he had to pay to have his wife standing next to him when he announced his resignation.

These guys are crazy,he had a nice job,good reputation and it's all gone due to cheating on the wife.


Veteran Expediter
Update for ya Rich, they're now saying that this has gone on for years, possibly the last decade and the dollar amount spent at the "Happy Store" is now being reported as $80,000.00!!! All the while assuring women's groups that he would not only go after prostitution rings but the "johns" as well.......WHAT A HYPOCRITE!!:mad::mad:


Veteran Expediter
There is a theory going around that the gains that wall street have made since Monday had nothing to do with the fed and the help they are going to give but the news that the most vial man who ever stepped foot on wall street may be actually going to jail.

I don't have any sympathy for his family, they will just buy themselves more happiness, Daddy going to jail, who cares.... They seem to be doing all right, large apartment on fifth ave, maybe a penthouse, maybe $18k or $20k a month rent - you know, rent control.....


Expert Expediter
Do you really think he used his own money to pay for this?
He is the Govenor after all...he is probably using taxpayer
money for his pleasures. JMO:p


Veteran Expediter
Do you really think he used his own money to pay for this?
He is the Govenor after all...he is probably using taxpayer
money for his pleasures. JMO:p

He'd better hope you're wrong or he's in even more trouble than we first thought!!:eek: They're already questioning where his state police security team was during these "visits".

Black Sheep

Expert Expediter
Sometimes in life, arrogant jerks like Spitzer get what they deserve. This is one of those times and I hope the GOP has the good sense to drag it out as long as possible. Think back about that FL congressman that was sending weird text messages to his male interns. The papers wouldn't let that die for months - hopefully this clown will get the same humiliation. Since his daddy is a multi-millionaire, his family money should be able to provide a nice divorce settlement for his wife and kids. With any luck, maybe he'll do jail time with some of the perps he convicted.


Veteran Expediter
DD, there is an issue that he did use tax payer money for travel under the excuse of traveling to Washington for a committee hearing. The only problem is that he forced himself into an invite of the hearing as a cover just to use the 'escort' services at the Mayflower. According to some of the staffers who were running one meeting, he kept falling asleep while being questioned by the committee members because he stayed up the night before.

I heard his excuse was jet lag.