The reason we will all soon have EOBR's is the same reason we now have a speed limiter law in Ontario. To level the playing field, plain and simple. It was the trucking companies, not the government that pushed for this to a) save fuel (b) limit the damage to their CVOR's due to speeding infractions and (C) get discounts from their insurance companies.
Many fleets had already voluntarily limited the speeds on their trucks for a number of years and when they saw the savings, decided that everyone should be regulated so as no one company could provide "faster service" so to speak and gain an edge.
If everyone drives at the same speed, and eveyone runs legal with EOBR's, then the big trucking companies which pay their respective associations to lobby the government for them will have put an end to the small independant operator or small fleets who can run more efficiently (albeit possibly unlawfully) than they can.
Not saying it's right or wrong, it just is.
Layout and others, you can whine and cry and stamp your feet all you want to about it, but I'm sure you can see the day when it will be mandatory for everyone and the playing field will be level once again. And once again this will end up being mandatory due to the big players taking the initiative to install the EOBR's and then when they see how well it works for them, will lobby to make it law so no one company will have the advantage.
Yes it will be the government that will finally make it law but
these restrictions have come about not because of the government not trusting us, but due to the fact that the trucking companies don't trust each other!