Canada Enhanced Drivers Licenses Available...sort of


Veteran Expediter
Ontario has finally gotten it's head out of its butt and has come up with a drivers license that meets the requirements of the US WHTI. The license will cost extra and require you to go for an "interview".

The interviews (for which you must make an appointment online for) are only being held at 9 locations province wide.

NINE, look at a map, Ontario is almost twice the size of Texas and has a population of 14 million people.

For me for example, the closest location is 1 hour away (Toronto), and no, I don't live in some little town, there are almost a million people within 30 miles of my house.

Looks like some out of service time will be logged as I will need to take a day off to get interviewed. And the backlog of interviews is quite staggering.

For the record, the interview locations are, Windsor, Cornwall, Thunder Bay, Sault Ste. Marie, St. Catherines, Toronto Downtown, Toronto Midtown, Ottawa and Kingston. At least eastern Ontario is getting serviced well.:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
It's for the border crossing cr*p, they are forcing this enhanced license on everyone over here in Michigan, last week when I renewed my license, the lady asked "do you want one" I asked "what do I need one for, I have a Fast Card, a pass port, another pass port and now I will have a twik card in the next week or so" so she said "what kind of Twix bar do you like, our vending machine may have it"

I am told I am to use my fast card at both ports of entry, this has all the info that both Canada and the US needs.


Retired Expediter
South Dakota courts ruled it a federal violation of states rights and does not participate in the Real ID program. The Feds can not tell the states how to run their drivers license programs....


Veteran Expediter
South Dakota courts ruled it a federal violation of states rights and does not participate in the Real ID program. The Feds can not tell the states how to run their drivers license programs....

They can't? whats the CDL program all about? How about the primary seat belt laws?

Don't want to start a political discussion here.... ever get hit with a curling stone? :D


Retired Expediter
They can't? whats the CDL program all about? How about the primary seat belt laws?

Don't want to start a political discussion here.... ever get hit with a curling stone? :D

The State legislature declared it unconstitutional in protest but complied.

Seat belt and .08 compliance..states were arm twisted into making them the threat of withholding of Federal Highway funds.
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Veteran Expediter
I should point out you don't HAVE to get one of these licenses but, as a guy who makes his living crossing the border, anything I can do to make Uncle Sam's border guys happier is in my best interest.

Thunder Bay would be a lovely drive this time of year Turtle, But as my mentor, your slow and steady ways would require 2 days:D.


Veteran Expediter
How about Windsor as you cross down there almost weekly and with all the unemployed in Windsor the lines should be short. Toronto will have huge lines as everyone did not apply for a passport. If you want a passport the Kitchener office is way faster to deal with than Toronto.

Yup the new lic is great as it transmits your personal info to anyone with a receiver in the area. How to make an identity theifs life easier? Get a new Ontario drivers lic!


Veteran Expediter
When I hear about that new driver's license, can't help being reminded of Aaron Russo's (rest his soul) video 'Freedom to Fascism'.


Veteran Expediter
Quebec has had theirs out for awhile (2-3 months now). So far they seem to be relatively popular. I still have the old style ohip card so no photo on it. Like it better as no renewal required.


Veteran Expediter
Gotta love the old red and white health cards eh? Still have mine but cant take it out of the sleeve I have it in.

Did the passport thingy in Kitch, 2 hours so not too bad. FAST card is OK to use but FX wants a passport:rolleyes:.

Been doing all east bound freight lately Rob! Guess I'll try Cornwall.


Veteran Expediter
Yeah my last long haul went to Que. Got screwed on hours and had to sit out for the time. My furthest west went to London and nothing north for several months. Love the fuel prices in Cornwall, diesel was .729/litre so almost 3 cents cheaper than mississauga.