Everyone risk threshold is different based on many factors. Keep in mind that CD money isn't making you anything once taxes and inflation are factored. More of a lock box if even that. As mentioned, "money makeover" from Ramsey is a great read and first start. "Cash is king" is paramount in this industry and many others.
In a condensed version, this is what we do. Not advise per se but how we approach investment. Some previously posted in other threads.
I typically work the opposite sides of a market. Literally for years actually. In the simplistic sense, if the market is low, that is when I buy. With expediting, when it tanks, that is when I invest in equipment typically. Happened the beginning of this year. lol.
Same with agriculture. I make heavy investments when the commodity market tanks. As mentioned, expediting no different.
To expand from that, same line of thinking I use in real estate purchases. When things tanked in 08/09, what did I do? Bought property that was in distress direct from banks that wanted to unload it just for the paper.
As mentioned, stock market works the same way. Buy when the market is low.
My advice for borrowing,is never unless the borrowing money actually produces a stream of revenue.
I always ask myself when people buy a new car. Do they realize they just bought a depreciating asset? Well no. They are chasing Pokémon. lol.
Yeah I'm not making anything really on the 6 month cds, although on the taxes part I'm not really paying much either.
It also depends on individual situations. For me I don't have really any bills. No house payment and no kids that I know of but the idea of saving has always been there. Not too many people I have met have a lot in savings.(or save anything) Its amazing actually, a lot of people don't save and if you just put a little away from your check each week lets say 25 to 50 a week that adds up over time. You just have to have the discipline not too touch it and to stick with it.