Ei yi yi... Look what I found while checking the auction sites..


Veteran Expediter
Not sure if you can read it. But at the top of the back glass it says "Got welfare? Thank a white person"

View attachment 4354

Wow! That's some first class racism right there for ya.

Posting an offensive message which has no place here in the soapbox or anywhere else on EO is rather disturbing. What's the point of going through the trouble of posting racial material such as this? What kind of reaction were you trying to get by posting such ignorance?
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
Well, I dunno, Witness. I know what the most common inference is, and what I think it is, but let's hear your meaning of "Ei yi yi".

Depending your your take on the phrase, the post could be racial trolling, or simply social commentary on racism.


Veteran Expediter
Well, I dunno, Witness. I know what the most common inference is, and what I think it is, but let's hear your meaning of "Ei yi yi".

Depending your your take on the phrase, the post could be racial trolling, or simply social commentary on racism.

What commentary?


Staff member
Retired Expediter
What commentary?
The answer to that question is meaningless unless you answer my question first. Also, it's rude to answer a question with a question. So, I'll ask it again. What do you infer the meaning of "Ei yi yi" to be?


Veteran Expediter
The answer to that question is meaningless unless you answer my question first. Also, it's rude to answer a question with a question. So, I'll ask it again. What do you infer the meaning of "Ei yi yi" to be?

I have no idea what "Ei yi yi" means. If there was some kind of, any kind of commentary other than, "Hey look what I found" then maybe I'd be able to answer that for you. Its an offensive message placed in the forum that serves no purpose what so ever. More importantly, that message of ignorance should have no place here on EO.


Veteran Expediter
I have no idea what "Ei yi yi" means. If there was some kind of, any kind of commentary other than, "Hey look what I found" then maybe I'd be able to answer that for you. Its an offensive message placed in the forum that serves no purpose what so ever. More importantly, that message of ignorance should have no place here on EO.

Wow, we're really getting ridiculous here.

Ridiculous, btw, is of Latin etymology:

Ridiculous: 1540s, from L. ridiculosus "laughable," from ridiculus "that which excites laughter," from ridere "to laugh."

I hope I'm not offending anybody of Latin heritage when I use that word.

heritage: c.1200, "that which may be inherited," from O.Fr. iritage, eritage, heritage , from heriter "inherit," from L.L. hereditare , ultimately from L. heres (gen. heredis) "heir" (see heredity).

I hope no one of French heritage is offended. I didn't mean any offense.

offense: late 14c., "hurt, harm, injury, pain," from O.Fr. offense , from L. offensa "an offense, injury, a striking against," properly fem. pp. of offendere (see offend). Meaning "action of attacking" and "feeling of being hurt" are both first recorded c.1400. Sense of "breach of the law, transgression" is first recorded late 14c. Sporting sense first recorded 1912 (in adj., offensive ).

Crap, I'm offending the French again...

Can we knock this $#!+ off now?


You know the problem with bad cops? They make the other 5% look bad.
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Veteran Expediter

Maybe this one's more readable:


You know the problem with bad cops? They make the other 5% look bad.
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Staff member
Retired Expediter
I have no idea what "Ei yi yi" means.
OK, thanks. That explains why you are able to incorrectly infer the context and content of the post.

If there was some kind of, any kind of commentary other than, "Hey look what I found" then maybe I'd be able to answer that for you.
Actually, "Hey, look what I found!", in conjunction with the phrase you do not understand, is not too far off from the full meaning and usage of the phrase, anyway. Read on, my friend, read on!

Its an offensive message placed in the forum that serves no purpose what so ever. More importantly, that message of ignorance should have no place here on EO.
I can see how it might be an offensive if you don't understand what "Ei, yi yi" means, which is why I asked the question.

"Ei yi yi", often spelled "Ay yigh yigh" simply for the phonetic understanding, or Aye! yi yi" is a euphemistic expression of emotion, often a wide range of emotion, but usually surprise, shock, frustration. It's not unlike, "good grief!" or "oh, man!" or "holy crap!". "The baby crapped his diaper again, aye, yigh, yigh." Or, "Aye, yigh, yigh, I can't believe he put his Air Tabs on backwards." Or, "Aye, yigh, yigh, I can't believe he took this post to be racial trolling instead of a social commentary on racism." The ever-popular "face palm" is another euphemism that "Aye yigh yigh" represents.

Aye! yi yi" is of Mexican origin and comes from Aye! carumba!", with Aye!" being the Spanish interjection denoting surprise, pain or any one of the other euphemisms noted above, and the "carumba!" being what is known as a "minced oath", which is an expression based on a profanity or a taboo term that has been altered to reduce the objectionable characteristics. In the case of carumba, it is a minced oath for carajo, which is a vulgar word for the F-Word. And just like the F-Word, Carajo and Carumba are nearly as equally versatile in its usage.

"Donkey" is now a recent, good example here on EO of a mixed oath, where it replaces the more formal word for the burro when used to describe the slang word for the human butt. For example, "Kiss my donkey!" isn't quite as objectionable as "Kiss my аss!".

In Herman Melville's "Moby-Dіck", Cabaco, a sailor, uses the Aye! carumba!" exclamation as a curse word. Ay Caramba! was the actual name of a 1998–2006 Spanish-language television series featuring funny home videos. Isn't that funny. It was broadcast on Mexico's TV Azteca network. The phrase was used regularly by stereotyped Mexicans, especially in Wild West print fiction, television and movies. It was a phrase popular in some Warner Brothers cartoons, as well, like the one where Daffy Duck encounters a bull in the 1947 Mexican Joyride. Bart Simpson from the animated sitcom The Simpsons further popularized the phrase in modern pop culture, as it became one of his most notable catchphrases, something he would say when he was positively surprised by something or in connection with women.

But because carumba! is so closely associated as a euphemism for the vular words and sentiments it represents, either intentionally or unintentionally as simply part of the culture, many people have replaced it with yet another euphemism, that of "Yi Yi" (or "yigh yigh").

So, instead of a more literal vulgar expression, or even that of Aye! carumba!", we get Aye! yi yi" mispelled as "Ei yi yi" in this thread. If you back it up in order to understand it, what you end up with is a thread Subject Title of Aye! carumba! ... Look what I found while checking the auction sites.."

Knowing and understanding what it means, you don't get an offensive message of ignornace, you get a social commentary on the pathetic-ness and ridiculous-ness of racism and those who perpetuate it.


Veteran Expediter
Again, what's the point in posting it and bringing attention to it without any comment? Ei yi yi as you have described so eloquently above, could be cableguys way of saying, "Ei yi yi, I wish I had the huevos to display that on my car." Or, "Ei yi yi, why didn't I think of that bumper sticker." Or, " Ei yi yi, is this ever true."

How 'bout this, hey cableguymn, what's your take on that message?
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Veteran Expediter
I'd love to see the link to that auction site he happened to stumble across with that photo.

I don't know about you, but I have a hard time believing you'd even notice the saying on that window. Its so small if you were just browsing auction sites I find it hard to believe you were even worried about what it said, let alone make out what it said.

But hey......who know's?


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Again, what's the point in posting it and bringing attention to it without any comment?
I really don't know, other than the "¡Aye! carumba!" context giving the context of posting it to illustrate the ridiculousness of the car. Like you, I can only speculate based on the context of his comment in the Title, but we'll have to wait and hear from the Cable Guy himself to know for sure. It's certainly not the first time someone has posted something in the Soapbox without comment. And it probably won't be the last. <snort>

I'd love to see the link to that auction site he happened to stumble across with that photo.

I don't know about you, but I have a hard time believing you'd even notice the saying on that window. Its so small if you were just browsing auction sites I find it hard to believe you were even worried about what it said, let alone make out what it said.

But hey......who know's?
I don't know about you, but I have a hard time understanding why some people work so hard at being offended, even when it turns out there's nothing to be offended over, and when they find out there's nothing to be offended about, they stick with that, stubbornly, and then work even harder at trying to justify being offended.

If I didn't know better, I'd say you were trying to manufacture a situation in order to be confrontational. But I know that you're not really like that.


Expert Expediter
"Ei yi yi" or however one wants to spell it was popularized by the character of Ricky Ricardo. It was taken to mean "Unbelievable!", "Is she SERIOUS?", "Oh no she dih-int!", etc. Offensively racist? No. Many of our common words and phrases come from other cultures. I am a fan of Yiddish myself. No one kvetches when I use that.

And I want my car back.

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