blue moon of ky
Expert Expediter
Is it just me or have other solo d-units at E-1 had a slow 1st quarter and a very slow april? This has been the slowest month for my two trucks in over two years! Is this just bad luck and not being in the right place at the right time? Hard to believe that can happen for 3 or 4 weeks at a time. I know that a slow week or two can be expected now and than but, my loaded miles have been off by as much as 30-50% since early march. E-1 is happy to tell me that they have had their best quarter ever and that they look foward to a record year at this pace. Daily load totals are up and everything is just great!!! The few driver that I have talked to have had the same concerns about loads and rates being down and fuel prices being up! It seems that the recruiting department at E-1 also had a record 1st quarter. Hopefully the frieght will catch up with the fleet soon!