Still chasing the problem while trying to do van work,
Also, the last couple days its been 20 - 25 deg. F..
I started getting good fuel no air but I will check the filter. I have had the O ring rattle flat on a couple occasions and suck air so I carry a few in the truck and Zip tie the connector on for good measure. Make sure to clip the extra so it dosent look shabby. Carquest sells green teflon O rings for A/C work but they hold up better than rubber, and cheaper than the dealership. Make sure you warm them up in youre hand or in youre armpit if its cold they work easier. I am wondering, if It might be a fuel line, and will rubber fuel line hold up its easeir to handle in cold weather than plastic.
I pulled the hand primer and installed a plug the pump dosent seem to be doing anything, and dosent seem to build presure. Unplugged the injectors and cranked untill I have clear fuel at the shrader valve it will start to knock but not fire. Checked the wire harness and injectors for coninuity both seperately and plugged in. I dont show any resistance, I changed out the engine position sensor it covers both crank and cam position $25.00. Had one go a couple years ago had simular symptoms. Any way, I changed it not much for results. Do you think changing the filter May have been the death nail for the injectors? As far as I know theyer original 330,000 miles only one replaced last year.
If I pull the injectors and inspect them do I need to install a new hand pump or will I be OK if I reprime with the injectors unplugged and bleed the air out?
F.Y.I., most DT engines and Powerstrokes use the same 3 pin sensor 25 bucks at Carquest as compared to 250.00 dealership. and they last just as long.
Thanks again.
Bob Wolf