I know what you mean dude. I was the E-1 boy for 9 months and watched the teams take all of my freight. I did however happen to make 6k in 3 weeks because I went out west and got lucky. This one team sitting in Riverside turned down a small load from Irvine, California to Phoenix, AZ because they wanted a load that would get them all the way back east. I ended up dropping in Phoenix and got a load two hours later going from Nogales all the way back up to Wayne, Michigan.Last week was ok this week was my worst yet with E1 and it had to be pretty bad to be my worst.
NOPE cann't tell. It's all about being in the right place at the right time. 2nd week in Oct was my best week ever. However, that didn't last long, the next week I topped that week, 3,700 dollars for 3200 paid miles. It was all drop and stop, Sleep or eat....I slept and got run after run, ate on the run. That pattern has moved over to Nov.
Thank You Express-1 and if all the folks that left E-1 had anything to do with it, THANK YOUS TOO!
It does beg the question after reading this thread....Are you the only truck they have?