Driver Shortage


Expert Expediter
I have been expediting for about 5 years now and I come home after every run. I started driving a co. owned pickup, then leased my van onto the same co. and now have my own authority. There are other cos. in the same area that have vans and they all come back home after every run too. This is the way expediting is done here.


Not a Member
Hey Race, I didn't take it as bashing from fleet owners (if you were referring to me) I have been on both sides of the coin as I had 2 trucks leased on with an airfreight outfit prior to expedite. I had all the headaches with drivers including but not limited to, more pay, equip maint, dirty, undependable and child support issues just to name a few. My point is to some this is a fantasy, some a way of life and a even a way to slow down and see the country, for me it is all the above but it is not for everyone and most people will have to try it to decide if it is for them. As far as the big rig drivers there are alot of idiots but there are an equal # of the finest people you would ever want to meet and they (to me) seem to be an untapped resource of qualified potential expediters. God bless the fleet owners! I too drive for one by concientous choice because I have crunched the #s, the margin is way too narrow for my taste....
Mike and Cyn

highway star

Veteran Expediter
"Growin' up leads to growin' old and then to diein'. And diein', to me, don't sound like all that much fun."

John Mellencamp
The Authority Song


Seasoned Expediter
Just a quick note from me to thank you all for your input :) from one truck driver from accross the great pond to you guy's over there. By the way i love the names that you guy's come out with, handles in think you call them? brilliant,wish i had one myself.
Well Thanks Again.