Dream Expedite Company


Seasoned Expediter
Alright, I have been reading and learning from all the post on EO for some time now. So now I need a question answered, if there was an expedite company who offered a good per mile rate($1 to $2) for LTL, full fuel surcharge (say 30 to 40 cpm), low deadhead (under 25% of the loaded miles), full detention and hand unload fees. When I say full, I mean company keeps none. At least 1 on duty dispatcher 24/7 and drivers having full access to online sites to find thier own loads, would you drive for them. I have been doing alot of researce on expedite company's and found at best none that are at this standard, unless one of you can name one.


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If there was one perfect one, everyone would be there. Can't think of a company that covers your list to completion.

21 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
I found a company that came close but their only drawback was that they could'nt keep me busy.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
There IS one. Now i'm going to have a brand new Honda Plant right in my backyard, building 200,000 cars a year.


Veteran Expediter
I once worked for a "dream expedite company". Unfortunately when the Q.C. beeped with my very first load offer I woke up.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
Yes, those "reality" checks are sometimes severe, aren't they?


Veteran Expediter
HAHAHAHA Moot... good one :)

Unfortunately, most are roses and candy in orientation. It doesn't take long for reality to tear those fantasies apart. Usually it takes a couple weeks. It was the first load for you?


Seasoned Expediter
Well guy's and gal's this question was posted for a reason. I have been talking to alot of company's and drivers. The number below the original post should only be called by real drivers not whiners, he will not deal with imature drivers. The main reson this post was made is to see if any company's were up up to the top standards. I also am thinking of starting a company that is up to this standard or atleast close.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
Some are close....but not at 100 percent. Again, if that was the case, everyone would be there. That would include the experienced pros and the whiners.
Good luck on the start up. I am sure many will be watching.

21 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
>>>>>>>>Some are close....but not at 100 percent. Again, if that was the case, everyone would be there. That would include the experienced pros and the whiners.
Good luck on the start up. I am sure many will be watching.<<<<<<<<<

Dave, I totally agree that your "not 100%" is right. Even if there were such a place, "ya cannot make every body happy 100% of the time."

Anyway Diver, "Dream" is the right word for your particular expedite company and here is why I say this:

>>>>>>>>>So now I need a question answered, if there was an expedite company who offered a good per mile rate($1 to $2) for LTL,<<<<<<<<

Depending on the LTL, getting $1 to $2 dollars per mile for LTL is a dream - unless you're talking shorter solo loads, or loads commonly known as "mini's". In that case, +$20.00/mile is not uncommon. So for goodness sakes, set your sights higher!

>>>>>>>>>>>>full fuel surcharge (say 30 to 40 cpm)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Why not just have the company pay you $4.00/gal for your fuel and call it a day?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>low deadhead (under 25% of the loaded miles)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Seems O/O's are not happy unless they dead head at least 25% - but 50% seems to be their real sweet spot. FYI, there are many small carriers who cannot even phathom DHing over 5% - "but the big guys have all the freight" LOL

>>>>>>>>>>>full detention and hand unload fees. When I say full, I mean company keeps none.<<<<<<<<<<<<

So detention helps make up for dead heading over 25%? Great business plan - you'll need to get $100.00 per hour. Your company got you your load - yet they get none? Not a very smart company to be with IMO.

>>>>>>>>>>>At least 1 on duty dispatcher 24/7 and drivers having full access to online sites to find thier own loads<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I cannot imagine a carrier not wanting one of their O/Os to have the ability to secure their own load. And not having even 1 dispatcher on duty seems an impossibility in this biz - but I know it happens.

At any rate, seems to me that this dream expedite company actually does exist, at least for the most part, but it exists in some of the smaller carriers out there.

Seek out some of the smaller guys and perhaps you might find your dream expedite company.

To put it in another light, consider that some of the biggies have 2 or more trucks to cover every load offer, but some of the smaller guys have over 100 load offers to cover every available truck - what makes up the better dream?


Expert Expediter
QualCom used for fuel tax mileage reporting ONLY at no cost to O/O
EZPass/PrePass transponder supplied at no cost to O/O
Out of pocket tolls reimbursed to O/O
TripPak at no cost to O/O
Cargo insurance at no cost to O/O
One load per week
Home every weekend



Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Even if the dream expediting company existed, it would still have a turnover rate at some level. It's not just company shortcomings that motivate drivers to leave. Driver shortcomings also contribute to driver turnover and failure satatistics. In any field of endeavor, no matter how ideal an opportunity may be, there will always be people that let it pass by or find a way to screw it up.


Expert Expediter
New here but couldn't resist this one. I think I have the "dream" expedite company and even named it that. We are American Dream Trucks, Ltd. We came up with that name because my husband has always had beautiful trucks and carrys a motorcycle winch between the tractor and trailer to carry his Harley with him on the road.

We were leased for several years with and expedite company (with a 48' Van) and almost 4 years ago went out on our own. We now run tractor loads for all the major expedite companies, have added one owner operator, and I do dispatch services for 2 other small expedite companies.

My guys tell me when they want to work, where they want to go and I do my best to bid them the best loads I can find. Its nice to be able to take loads from Panther, Con-Way Now, Landstar Express America, UPS, FED EX, and all the others without being leased to them. The rates are better as a partner carrier (I think so anyway), and when I am stuck I have the option of picking up a filler load from the other load boards.

Deadhead isn't an issue with us because my o/o gets a percentage of the gross and I ALWAYS figure deadhead miles into any bid I take. Rarely do either of my guys or the ones I dispatch for take anything for less than $2.00 for ALL miles, including deadhead.

I would love to expand, but you all have hit the nail on the head. I am really particular about who I am willing to bet my reputation on so there aren't too many drivers out there I would take on. In my situation it would only take a few delivery failures to put us out of business so anyone I do hire MUST be top notch. Seems like all those aren't willing to take the risk with smaller companies. They all want the security of working with the big boys. So, we keep it small, make a good living and enjoy life.

Nice to meet you all.


Expert Expediter
"if there was an expedite company who offered a good per mile rate($1 to $2) for LTL, full fuel surcharge (say 30 to 40 cpm), low deadhead (under 25% of the loaded miles), full detention and hand unload fees. When I say full, I mean company keeps none. At least 1 on duty dispatcher 24/7 and drivers having full access to online sites to find thier own loads, would you drive for them"

Diver, I guess I didn't answer that question. We get very good mile per rate but tractor loads, not ltl. We don't deal with fuel surcharge because my guy gets a percentage of the gross and when the fuel goes up our per mile rate goes up accordingly, deadhead is no issue because I make sure its included in the rate, driver unload is fully paid to driver, detention we do on the same percentage as the load because he may be sitting but its costing us both. I am on duty 24/7 and my drivers don't need access to online sites to find their own loads because if they are empty I am on duty looking no matter when it is. So...I DO think I have the "Dream" expedite company!

Those kind of companies are out there if people are willing to take the risk going with smaller companies.